Wednesday, April 21, 2021

COLLECTION UPDATE: Charmin' Farm Friends

It's time to revisit Meritus' Charmin' Farm Friends line! 

I've actually done two past posts on this line:

I don't think I've shown this one before. This is my purple and green version of Patty Jo Skweel. 

The pink one above was my first toy from this line, aside from a sheep I think I had when I was hardcore collecting MLPs but I'm not sure if I'm actually remembering that correctly or not, so I count pink Patty as my first. 

I got the purple one mint on card, but her flocking was terrible. 

My intention for this line was to deflock all of them except pink Patty. Their flocking just doesn't hold up well, not even in the package. But it proved harder than I thought and I didn't want to risk damaging the paint, so I'm leaving them as is. Purple Patty came out pretty well though. 

This is Annabelle Moo. She and pink Patty were the only two I had for ages. 

I love this green. I'm not sure I've seen any of the others in this color. 

Likewise, I love this dark pink and blue version of Hillary Jean Nay and I'm not sure any of the others have this coloring. There is a dark pink Annabelle, but she's got purple spots and her hair is purple and green, so not the same as Hillary here. 

Basically, the colors in this line are all over the place and because it's not easy to find, we'll probably never know all the combos. 

I also have Hillary in white. I know there's a white Annabelle, too. 

There's a purple Hillary with a lime green mane and purple tail that I've wanted for many years, but I'm happy to have these two. 

The one I'm missing is the lamb, Ellie Mae Choppe. 

There are also mini figures with the characters in anthropomorphic form wearing different costumes. 

These come in at least two color variants each.

I may not have Ellie Mae in the Fuzzimals style, but I've got three of her minis.

Hillary Jean is the only one I don't have a mini for. I need to go looking for some new ones. I think I might have passed over some on ebay. 

The real reason for this collection update is that after all these years, I finally own some Barndazzlers!

The crazy thing is that I have not one but FOUR. And I got them all in less than a month, I think. 

I bought the Annabelle on the right alongside the yellow Patty shown below. They're in rougher shape with some rhinestones and paint missing. 

Then I got the better condition Annabelle on the left up above and last was the purple Patty here. Those two are in great shape. 

I love these ones. They're like a blend of the more realistic Fuzzimals with the anthro minis. They can move one arm and their heads, but that's all. 

Maybe someday I'll get Ellie Mae and Hillary Jean!

So that's it for now. Hopefully I'll have more new stuff soon. I've had good luck with vintage recently and I'd love for it to continue.



  1. I love when you post about vintage stuff like this. Since we're around the same age, I vaguely remember commercials for toys like these and it triggers memories that I don't remember well. I always wanted my parents to buy them for me. Of course, they didn't. It's ok, though because I live vicariously through your stories. Just letting you know these are always appreciated :)

    1. Thanks for that! Vintage is definitely my first love and what really got me into being an adult collector. I started out wanting to get toys I wanted as a kid but never got, then expanded from there.
