Wednesday, December 21, 2022

REVIEW: Monster High Ghoul Spirit

I saw the Ghoul Spirit set at Walmart and couldn't resist it for only $49. A little more than $8 per doll? Yeah, that's a good price. 

I wasn't planning on doing a review, because this is an older set and I didn't see the need. But after opening and really seeing how much I appreciated the dolls, I wanted to take some pics and get my thoughts down. So no boxed pic and no pic of all the accessories I don't care about. 

This right here was the main draw of the set. Of course it was. She's glorious. 

I didn't do side by side pics because I wasn't sure how much I could get the details to show, but the GS dolls have different makeup than the sigs. 

GS Cleo uses warm tones above and gray underneath, while the sig had blue and yellow. 

Her hair is a bit shorter than the sig and the tinsel matches her dress with its multicolored sheen. 

Aside from the doll herself, the earrings, shoes and jacket are all solid pieces. Her dress isn't even that awful. It's easily the best outfit in this set. 

I plan on using these dolls to wear some of the extra pieces from the upcoming secrets dolls, so having some extra accessories is nice. 

Frankie was my second reason for buying this. I hated the painted shaved side at first, but after seeing them in the show with the shaved side all the time, I knew this might be my one shot of getting that on a doll. There are hair details sculpted into the side of their head, which makes the cheapness of just painting and not flocking a little more excusable. 

They also have short hair. While I do think this looks spectacular, if one doll in this set should have had short hair, it was Toralei, who is canonically supposed to have it. 

Great makeup. The eye makeup colors are different from, and better than, the sig. The cheek bolt is nice. I like the single earring, too. 

The shirt isn't the greatest, but that skirt has excellent possibilities. I do like this top better than the uniforms the others wear though. It's got some hockey vibes and I like that. 

The less said about the boots, the better.

There's a bit of blue hiding under there. 

This Frankie is actually tied with Creepover as my favorite. I love them a lot. 

Worth $49. Definitely. 

Toralei is actually the other standout from the set. Once you get those ugly yellow legwarmers off anyway. 

I don't care for the uniform, but her shoes and choker are cute. 

I also don't care for the hairstyle, but I'm not taking it down. She has surprisingly good quality hair. I'll likely be leaving the hair long on all my Toraleis except the sig. Cutting it is too much of a pain to keep doing. At least I'll have one that looks right. 

I think she has better makeup than the sig. I love the green touches. 

While I don't like the uniform as a fashion choice, it's practical. Unlike trying to do sports in heels. *cough*G1*cough*


I was pleased the headband is not plastic. I really thought it would be. It's a nice stretchy material. 

She has surprisingly nice hair. Way better than the disaster that my Creepover had. (That's why I never reviewed her. Her hair was the worst hair on any MH doll I've ever had.) And better than the sig, too. 

Laura is cute. The sneakers and bow are definitely reusable. 

She'll be great for redressing. 

And finally, Deuce is also cute. This looks like a regular outfit for him rather than anything sporty. Not a fan of the plastic socks, but what can you do? 

Overall, I like this set far more than I expected to. I would never have paid full price for it, but for $49, I had to get it. 


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