Sunday, June 9, 2024

REVIEW: Unicorn Academy Dolls Isabel

Amazon brought the rest of my Unicorn Academy stuff! 

Let's start with the third doll: Isabel. 

She's gorgeous. I love her face. 

Honestly, I've only watched the first special, not the entire show. I do want to sit down and watch the rest of the episodes very soon. Possibly after work tomorrow. But I wasn't really happy with Spin Master choosing Isabel as the third doll, because really, it should have been Layla. Layla definitely felt like a bigger presence in that initial storyline. 

Now that she's in hand though, I'm not holding that against Isabel. 

Love her jacket. 

Now unlike Sophia, Spin Master gave Isabel a fully separate jacket and shirt. I have no idea why this is. 

She looks great with or without it. 

I'm pretty sure Isabel is the same body as Ava, but I didn't undress them both to be sure. (I'm working in less than 8 hours and need to get to bed soon.)

All three together. 

They better make my Valentina!


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