Tuesday, June 18, 2024

REVIEW: Rainbow High Littles Sapphire, Opal and Amethyst

The other Littles!

I had Sapphire ordered before, but the one I received had a bad eye. This is my replacement one. 

I wonder why they didn't try for a naming pattern. We've got three gemstones, two colors, and one flower. 

The actual Sapphire has clear rubberbands in her hair. Me being a dumbass did not realize her hair was pigtails and thought they were just holding the curls together, so I clipped them. If only I'd flipped the doll over before doing so. Her hair is very clearly pigtail rooted in the back. But I always have a box of bands near and these blue ones look even better.  

I had no idea this was supposed to be a yeti until I read it in the description for this doll. The Cutie Tooties yeti had horns. 

He's got a butt though! 

Sapphire is definitely young Skyler to me. 

I never would have thought I'd buy this one, but here we are. 

Her hair is wild. It's all gel, but I'm afraid she'll lose all the curl without it. 

So Amethyst I see as Violet's embarrassing little sister. She has zero clothing taste, goes around with messy hair, and I have no idea where her eyebrows have gotten to. 

Did I buy her for the poodle and the glittery boots? 


Oh, I hated this one initially. I could not stand that her hair twist things were so uneven.

Took one look at her in the package and fell in love. 

The hair is still gelled in these pics. It's not only the ends of the twists, but it's the flip, too. I washed it out after taking all these, but it was a struggle. I'm not sure I got it all. Actually, pretty sure I didn't. It's been years since I've met a gel so resistant to rinsing out. 

The thing about Opal is that she instantly reminded me of the gorgeous Color & Create from Series 1. I have her dressed all in white and she's got some serious Emma Frost going on. So maybe she can be Emma Raine, Amaya's older sis, and then Opal is the youngest sis. 

The unicorn is not my favorite, but he's cute. 

She IS my favorite though. Sorry, Indigo and baby Stella.

I stand by my opinion that these are cute for the price and appropriate for their specific target market. I'd buy more. Give me more little sisters from non-mainbow characters!

Almost forgot to post this group shot.  



  1. I do think these dolls are awful, if only the hair was good quality but it isn't. The faces are...well everyone has their own taste. It is good that you like them, but in this case I do agree with the majority.

    1. Always happy to be in the minority. But it doesn't matter what a bunch of adults think anyway.
