Monday, August 2, 2021

REVIEW: Spin Master's B*Pack


This line has been a pain, let me tell you. 

I ordered 4 on and they never shipped, so the order was cancelled. I set an in-stock alert and was able to order 4 more a few days later. So far, only one has shipped and arrived, while the other 3 are in limbo and I have a feeling they'll be cancelled. Why are these little dolls so hard to find? Weird. 

Anyway, they run about ten bucks. 

Only having one in hand, I have no idea if any of the numbers on the packaging are cheat codes. 

There's the number stamped in black near the bottom. There's one on ebay that has this same number, but I got a common doll, so it's possible this may still be the cheat code. 

There's also a sticker above the barcode. I asked the ebay seller for a picture of the bottom of theirs or just to tell me what the number is. Again, if it's the same, it won't be helpful. I really need to find more of these. Sigh. 

You're supposed to unpeel the edge and the front pops open. 

This is what's inside, so I know I have a beach one. The different sets do have different packages. 

Inside the pouches are the chain, charms and the convenient little case. 

Inside the case are doll accessories. Ooh, second outfit. Nice. 

The clip in her head is removable if you just want to use them as dolls instead of clips. 

She's poseable at the 5 basic places: neck, shoulders, hips. 

In her dress. Very cute!

Sunglasses on. 


And the other side. 

I definitely want more of these. They're a cute little doll for $10 and I like the displayability because the clip helps them take up unusual places you wouldn't be able to display other dolls. I hung mine from one of my display nail polish racks on the wall. 

If anyone has code info, please let me know!


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