Monday, September 14, 2020

COLLECTION UPDATE: Cloudees Series 2 Scenteeze


I've been waiting until I got some new additions to post this update and now I have  6 Series 2 Cloudees! These are so annoyingly hard to find. 

This is Blushing Mouse. 

Cheeky Flamingo is one of the two regular rares. 

I'll never understand why they cover them up with clothes when they're this cool-looking. 

Daring Hippo. 

Ugh, blurry photo. This guy is so cute with Wistful Platypus and Bluesy Kitty from Series 1.

I did like his boots so he kept them on.

I really wanted this little skateboarding lion for some reason. I think it's his expression. 

This is Sly Lion. 

So cute!

Snoozy Sloth you guys have seen. He's the other regular rare with the flamingo. 

And finally, Purrty Unicat! This is the series' ultra rare! 

I only have one batch of codes so far. They all end in 0500SD.

64 Blushing Mouse

66 Cheeky Flamingo

68 Sly Lion

70 Snoozy Sloth

72 Daring Hippo

73 Purrty Unicat


  1. Sooo good! I have had zero luck finding this series. What's your secret!?

    1. I bought one on Mercari and the others on ebay. They're so annoyingly hard to find! I hate it.
