Monday, September 9, 2024




I was so surprised this morning to learn that TLS Toy, who currently is giving us Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite, signed a deal with Hasbro and will be handling my favorite 80s thing ever: JEM!

The above picture is described as "an early look" at Jem, so this is likely a prototype and changes will be made. Of course, some people that don't like fun are already complaining, as they did with the other 80s toys, but shut up and let the rest of us be happy. I'm thrilled to see Jem in another toy incarnation. She and Pizzazz have appeared a few different ways in the years since the original vintage line and Integrity's adult-level take on the brand, so I'm hoping this does well and we'll actually get the other members of the bands, too. 

TLS will also be doing POPPLES! 

I can't wait to see where all this leads.


1 comment:

  1. *Reads article*
    This brand's doing a lot of 80s brands and it looks like they're doing right by them, too. I, for one, couldn't be happier.
    M.A.S.K., my beloved, you finally have another chance.
