Thursday, November 17, 2022

MONTH IN REVIEW: October & November 2022

Angelica is one of the forgotten bears from 2020 that took this long to be produced and distributed to the US. She was made in January of this year but stuck on a ship or in a container for months. I hate that they did this because they basically ruined her. She and several other characters have this problem of having a really odd smell. It's supposedly the glue from the boxes they sat in for so many months. 

So poor Angelica basically lives in my living room with a dryer sheet that I move around to various places on her body, trying to overpower this weird smell. There's more air flow out here than in my room and she's also far away from my other toys this way. Absolutely ridiculous that they ruined so many of their products this way. I don't see how she sat so long when things that were shipped far more recently made it without issues.

She's really cute though. Sigh. 

Phlox is a very unusual bunny covered in flowers. I really love this odd fabric and hope they use it on more in the future. It's nice to see something this out there instead of constant browns, whites, pinks and grays. 

He's a little sad-faced but so cute. 

I love the look of the hairy ones but they take me a little longer to bond with because they're not as cuddly. Their hair tickles! 

Gina has the same bonding issue as Jonathan. She's very pretty though. 

By far the smallest of the dragons. Lantern is possibly my favorite. I love the orange. His smaller size makes him a little bit less cuddly though because the dragons are very spiky. That's his only con. 

Knox was an unplanned buy. He's in the same style as Zach, one of my faves from this year, and Greg, who comes out later. I skipped him because he was a similar color to Dreamy, who's one of my favorite tybers, but then I fell for this one's face. He's one of my faves for naptime now. Super cuddly! 

Lammington Cake was a bit of an impulse buy when I saw her on QVC. I do love this style of bears, but I would have preferred an orange face, because one of the others is quite a similar darker pink. 

You can see the foursome here. Bumbleberry Pie is the pinkest one on the left. Lammington is next to her. She's a more purpley-pink. Then there's Pecan Pie, who's purplish-gray on the muzzle. Not sure why because pecan pie is definitely neither of those colors. And on the right is Blueberry Pudding. 

I've actually really come to love Lammington. As one of my friends agreed, she looks like she's got a bit of eye makeup on!

I'm adding Journey on here, even though he arrived in very early November. I've opted to make this post a Month in Review for both months, even though November is barely half over. I'm not expecting anything else to arrive that I won't do a review for, so making a November post later on with one photo is silly. 

Journey is glorious. A lot of his red is tyber so he's super soft there. He uses so many fabrics, too! His ears have three different colors! I highly recommend him if you love foxes.


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