Thursday, April 7, 2022


Month in Review time! March was all bears except for two axolotls from Build-a-Bear that will end the post, so if you're not into plush, there's nothing here that will interest you. 

After a long wait, the US FINALLY got gargoyles. These were my most wanted from Charlie Bears' 2021 collection so of course they got really delayed. Shipping is still all screwy due to the pandemic. Gatekeeper is the largest of the three gargoyles and the only black one. He has a really cute face, but it's a bit hard to see. 

That's a bit better. 

The gargoyles are special to me because obviously they're gargoyles and gargoyles are awesome, but also because years ago, Charlie asked for more fantasy animal suggestions and I said gargoyles. I'm sure other people did, too, and I'll never know if it was my comment that inspired her, but I like to think it was. Heh. 

Little Ralph came along with Gatekeeper from my stockist. I've only paid attention to the poor guy once. It's been a busy month for bearrivals! 

Despite being I think fourth in line, I somehow got my favorite bear of the bunch, so I got lucky. I was also supposed to get River, but I was so near the end that I didn't like the two left over, so he's one I'll have to wait on. 

Ah, Scorch. This guy caused a lot of problems. The dragons are intensely popular and everyone wanted this one. He was Secret Collection, which meant QVC or one of the Direct CB sites. Well, in the UK, someone leaked the QVC item number and a ton of people got him in a rather shady fashion by ordering him before he was supposed to be ordered. It was QVC's fault, too, by allowing it, but man, were people mad. So it took a while to sort out the UK's issues. I don't think Australia had any. We in the US have, of course, had to wait eons longer for ours, but I was so thankful to hear that the people who'd put their names on the wait list with CB Direct US would definitely be getting one. So some went to Direct and some went to stockists, but...poor QVC hasn't gotten any, despite what we were told. And now there are people mad about that because they were specifically waiting for QVC stock. The dragons are never, ever easy. 

I'd say he's worth the trouble though. Fantastic face and they're so soft! 

There's also a black and purple one named Chimney that's the current kerfluffle. They didn't get the full stock in anywhere, so fewer names got drawn for the opportunity to buy him (he's a club exclusive) and there were lots of feelings going around. This morning was the second draw, choosing from the ones not bought from the first draw, and I GOT PICKED. I'm so happy! So April's Month in Review will have Chimney's face in it. 

I've also been picking up some older bears. This is Eton, who's like my very first CB (Howie) only in different colors. I've been regretting selling him so I'd like to find him again someday. Eton will be a nice similarity in the meantime. She's lovely on her own, too. 

Ah, this face. I caved and ordered Bumbleberry Pie from Australia. I fell so in love with this particular face that I had to have her. 

Bumbleberry is a 2022 collection bear and my first from that collection. (My second is on his way, also from Australia. The US has none yet. We're not even fully caught up on 2021.)

Another gargoyle! This is Turret. He's one of the club exclusives like Chimney, who I mentioned above. That means if you're a club member, you can register your interest and then you'll have an opportunity to buy the bear. Unless too much interest is shown and then it goes to a draw. This year EVERY club bear went to a draw. I got lucky with Rheya and then with Turret and now with Chimney, too. I'm honestly hoping I don't care for this year's. The draws are very stressful. 

There's also a third gargoyle from the regular 2021 collection. I'm waiting for my stockist to finish photographing so I can choose mine. Can't wait to have all 3 together!

Pashmina and Poncho appeared on QVC I decided to try them out. I'd loaded a bunch of money onto my QCard just in case Scorch popped up, but when I got him from CB Direct, I had some spare bear funds so I got these two. They're a cute little pair. 

Another older bear! I won Frank on ebay from the same seller I got Nimbus from ages ago. Love Nimbus. Frank is a bit plain compared to my typical type of bears so he's a nice addition. He's also got lovely mottled fur that rarely shows in photos so I had thought he was a solid black or dark brown. Nope! 

Clive I had to import from the UK, again from ebay. I've been wanting him for a couple years but didn't actively look for him. He goes along with Callie, who I've had since 2018 I think, so they're finally both in the same house. 

Clive is from CB's short phase where they left a little string out of the stitched nose on purpose. 

Yet another old guy. This is Olien. He's one I used to have a pre-order for years ago, but cancelled it for some reason. He's always been on my low-key want list. 

So when a store posted on my CB Facebook group, I went to have a look at their stock and there was Olien. Had to bring him home. 

He's a very unusual, more curly fur that mimics antique bears. It's rougher and not as cuddly, but very aesthetically-pleasing. And he's still plenty cuddly! 

Miles is the one who came along with Olien. Same situation with him. Another older bear I'd pre-ordered but never bought. If I remember correctly, I didn't like any of the Miles left for me to choose from and then never tracked him down from anywhere else. 

He's an adorable little guy though, so I'm glad I have one now. 

And finally, the axolotls from Build-a-Bear! I LOVE THESE. They're so soft and ridiculously cuddly. The pink they had up as an online exclusive months ago and people were furious when it sold out so fast. I had actually forgotten about them but went to look at the Turning Red stuff and saw these instead. The mint one is the new online exclusive, so I'm assuming the pink is also in stores. Highly recommend them. They're amazing. 

And that's March!


  1. Ohmyglob, congratulations winning the lottery!!! I know how stressful it is with exclusives and lottery draws(w-club madness), so I'm so happy you won. Looking forward to reading your review.

    1. Thanks! I hate that it has to come to a draw, because they did make it sound like anyone interested in the club plush could get one but no. Didn't turn out that way by a long shot. I was super lucky in being drawn for all 3 of my choices and then getting the free giveaway of one of the mohair pieces. I'm definitely grateful.
