Thursday, July 22, 2021

REVIEW: Hairmazing Fakedorables 10-Pack

So Just Play put out two budget multipacks under the company "XTreme Play." These sets are both called Hairmazing like the larger Hairdorables fashion dolls. (Worrisome for the future of that line! Sigh! I really wanted Emily.) 

These got a lot of hate from some picky people who clearly are not their target market. These are budget sets for people with less money to spend on dolls, which, let's face is, just keep getting more and more expensive. This set of 10 dolls costs $19.97. I would have loved these when I was a kid. I never got that many dolls at one time, not even on the holidays. 

Walmart did a stellar job of shipping these. They packed them in a gray plastic bag. You can see part of it still stuck to the front of the box where I couldn't get it off. And then they apparently folded the package in half at one point. Great job, people. 

There's quite a bit of diversity in these tiny dolls. Lots of different skintones. They only use one face, but they change the direction the eyes are looking, so that helps the variety. 

There are 3 mermaids, each a different skintone. 

Then we've got the party girls. 

As expected on a $1.99 doll, the hair is not the best quality. I gave each one (except the girl with purple curls on the left here) a quick conditioning). They came out fine. They're not spectacular, but I've honestly seen worse on way more expensive dolls. 

And then my three faves. 

I love that the white one has clear legs with glitter. She's my overall fave, then ladybug Noah and then not-quite-Sallee. 



But so cute. They also sell them individually, which I haven't seen yet, but I hope to find them since I know there are more varieties. 


1 comment:

  1. I think they are cute for the price and I like how tiny they are!
