Monday, May 17, 2021



I have an odd balance of procrastination. On here, I always post these Month in Reviews late. Like it's practically time for May's and here I am posting April's. Meanwhile, over on Flickr, I constantly forget to post a pic with a link back to one of my reviews from here. 

So let's get into April's bears. As always, they're mostly bears because I review almost everything else. 

This guy is Pudding. He's actually got sparkly iridescent strands running through his fur. Pretty awesome! 

Rudolph on the left is my new addition. I've had Satsuma for a while now. But showing them both together illustrates Rudolph's red better than his solo photo, which came out a bit light. 

Because there have been so few releases from Charlie Bears this year so far, it's been the perfect time for me to grab some older ones and my luck has been quite good with them popping up. 

Tiny little Samantha...she's only 10"! another older bear. I've gotten so many from this awesome fellow collector on Facebook. Samantha, Pudding up at the top and Larry, who I'm showing next, are all from her. 

Larry! Great name. He's one of those that I'm picky about, because I fell for one that looked a little doofy and fun. This guy is neither of those things, but I liked his gruffness, too. It's also great when you can buy an older bear from within the US, since so many of them only pop up as imports. 

Then we've got Aurora. We've only gotten a couple shipments of 2021 bears here in the US so far, but we finally got Aurora in. She's one a lot of people have been waiting for, me included. Like Pudding, she's got sparkles running through her fur! 

I'm hoping the next month or so will see a lot more new bear arrivals. I'm still waiting on one from the first quarter and the rest of the world is starting to get second quarter stuff, even though the second quarter is actually ending next month already. At least we're all somewhat behind, even if it is the worst here. 

I bought Moon here on ebay. There are still 3 bears from 2020 that I've been waiting on. Moon was one of them. I still have her on pre-order from my stockist and will buy her from there if there's an especially cute one. I don't like cancelling my pre-orders, but it's been so long waiting for some of these that I feel like if I don't take the opportunity to buy them when I can, I may miss out. What if we never get them? I recently got Foster, a 2020 Secret Collection, that also never came over here and he's got A LOT of people waiting on him. He'll be in the May Month in Review. So that just leaves one more I'm still missing. 

But back to Moon. She's a silvery delight. I'm not always into the long-haired bears, but sometimes they do just the right one.

Then I've got one thing that isn't CBs. I finally got the last two neon Cave Club dinos I needed! I hate that two of the set always seem to be impossible to find. I got these in a trade with a fellow collector from Canada. Not a cheap trade, but a good one nonetheless.

And for fun, here are my faves from both pet series. Mostly from the neon set, but the rock from Series 1 had to be included. 

I'm leaving out the new Dragons & Beasties gem series because I never took a photo after I got the last two I needed. I might do a review post on them with individual pics for each. 



  1. Do you by any chance have a code/hack to get the pet rock from Dino Crystals series 1? I don't really care about the dinos, but the rock, I need him in my life, he's adorable. I thought there was some codes going around somewhere, but being the goof I am, I can't find where... can you help?

    1. This is the cheat code post for the first series of the dino baby crystals:
      Unfortunately, from what I've heard recently, the rock and pink triceratops have become hard to find. When I first started collecting them, it was the T-Rex and apatosaurus that were harder to find. It's always two. Bleh. But I hope the codes help!
