Monday, January 18, 2021

REVIEW: FailFix Pretty Artee

Another review a long time coming is my first FailFix! I was interested in the line, but kept getting distracted by completing other lines, pre-orders, etc. But when I saw the new character, Pretty Artee, I knew I had to start with her. 

Artee is an exclusive to Walmart.

I ordered her on Friday and FedEx brought her yesterday, so I happily opened her last night. 

The packaging is cute, but I did have some struggles opening it. They're quite securely in there, possibly to avoid people peeking at which doll it is. 

Each FailFix character has 3 different options: Day, Sparkle and Evening. The Sparkle ones have a more elaborate version of the Day outfit and the Evening have a completely different outfit, hence the doll being covered by the plastic robe in the box. 

So after deboxing, I've got the doll with accessories in her hair, a stand, a brush, a hat, some hairbands, her special mask, and instructions. 

Step 1 is to remove the accessores from her hair. 

Artee has a pair of sneakers, earrings and sunglasses.

Then you put the special mask on and make sure it hooks behind her ears. 

When you take it off...

Voila! Her face! 

I'm really happy I got the Sparkle version. As much as I typically love dark lipstick, I fell in love with the lighter-lipped versions of Artee, so I was hoping for one of those. And Sparkle is my favorite one. 

I was pretty sure it was her because of her shiny outfit. 

So you're supposed to brush out the gel in her hair. I can see where this would be fun for kids. Young me would have enjoyed it. Old me is impatient (and had just worked a double), so she was off to the salon. 

I thought it would be a good time for a body picture while her hair was still up and away from it. I like the bodies on these. They're nicely articulated and have a cute delicacy to them. I got some old Mattel Winx Club nostalgia from her. 

Now we jump to today! The gel washed out easily and her hair is really nice. 

It was nice to have some clothes and shoes that were easy to put on. I've spent too much time with Rainbow High recently. Sigh. Nothing here made me feel like I was going to break it. The pieces are small, because the doll is small, but they're good quality. I like the shiny print the Sparkle version has. 

Her shoes are really cute, too! 

I really love her. 

Apologies for the fuzzy picture. The big accessories are nice, but you know me. I like things fairly simple. So one pic and then off they went. 

I tried to get a pic of her cool silver eye makeup. 

Close ups work best for that.

I'm a sucker for gray eyes. 

This is why I love the Sparkle one. She has the lighter lips but also that big silver swoop. So pretty. 

One final pic! 

Needless to say, I'm hooked. I plan on stopping at Walmart after work and getting at least a couple more. My next door Walmart has the glam one on sale and I want the kawaii girl, too. And the preppy posh one. And all of them. I know the DJ is marked down on Amazon as well. We'll see who I come home with! Tomorrow I'm a double again, but I should have more reviews come Wednesday. I've got a Na Na Na teen arriving later today, too. 



  1. You got me hooked on these. I love the crazy gimmick, but the dolls themselves are cute as heck and I love the variations in skin colors.
    I don't know if where going to get more, but I'm glad they're on sale so I can buy them all.
    Are you getting the pets as well?

    1. I have a review planned for most of the other dolls. I need to photograph DJ yet and decide if I'm getting the dance one before I post or if I'm putting her separately. I do plan on getting the pets, but not quite yet.

  2. I'll have to be on the lookout for this one. I got 2 of them in their Day looks back when they first came out and sort of forgot about the newer doll and pets. I love their sculpts and their simplest makeup styles. I don't mind the makeover gimmick, but I think the box presentation takes away from how pretty the dolls actually are. Seeing the actual madeover doll on the toy aisle instead of the fail version would be so much more appealing, however her fail expression is kind of funny.

    1. Artee is especially gorgeous. They all are. I agree with you on the packaging. I know they had to showcase the gimmick, but said gimmick definitely hides how stunning they really are. I think people passed them over because they didn't realize how beautifully they turn out once made over.
