Monday, April 20, 2020

Kitten Catfe Series 1

I don't have all of Series 1, but I'm only missing 2, so I figured I'd post them before tackling Series 2.

I've already reviewed Kitten Catfe, so I'm not going to go over those aspects. I just want to show each doll and her accessories.

This is Carmela La Creme.

Carmela is the only doll to have patches. Others have paws in different colors, but only Carmela has them on her arms and legs. Or rather, one arm and one leg.

The shoe molds are all shared, as are the clothing molds. I didn't take the time to match up all the same shirts, but I did do the shoes.

Carmela's match Purrissa's.

Next we've got Coco Mocha. She's one of my main favorites that I have of S1.

The first batch of S1 was almost all white cats, so I really love the ones that aren't. Coco is a lovely shade of light brown.

She has the smirking mouth that's my favorite.

The paint detail on her hair is awesome.

And she has my favorite shoe style and bag, too!

Her shoe twin is Fifi Faye, one of the two I'm missing.

This is Ginger Glitz. A lot of the names are either coffee or kitty-related, but some of them aren't. Ginger's one of those.

Ginger and Kitty Purrcino are very similar. Down to almost the same shoes. The shades of pink are just a bit different.

Ginger is the only cat from the first batch of Series 1 that is not mostly naturally-colored. She's a light pink.

I got Jennipurr Joe today!

Jennipurr has the cutest glasses, but they don't fit right with her hair mold.

They look pretty cute on Luna!

Like Coco, Jennipurr has color highlights in her hair.

Jennipurr and Luna are shoe twins. They have sneakers with socks coming up high. I love that Jennipurr's are painted in two different colors. Very reminiscent of the old 80s trend to layer the socks in different colors.

Here's Kitty Purrcino again.

Ginger and Kitty showing off their hair highlights.

Luna Latte!

Luna (and Tabbytha) have my favorite eye style + hairstyle combination. I love the giant eyes with the tiny pigtails.

Luna and Mimi in their not as cute as Jennipurr's glasses.

Here's Mimi Meow. She was my first one.

She has little slip-on shoes. Her shoe twin is Purradonna, who I don't have. (Even though she's my favorite! Argh.)

Mimi has some cream-colored highlights on her fur.

Purrissa Lee.

Not one of my favorites, although she does have my favorite eye style.

Tabbytha Fluffikins.

Yes, really.

Her name perfectly suits her though.

She's my favorite from the first batch of S1 and one of my top favorites. I love Luna more overall, but Tabbytha has the best eye color of the series.

Different eye styles.

And finally, Veronicat Meow. I like her purple highlights, but she and Mimi are so similar.

She and Tabbytha have the same boots.

And here are all my Meowbles! I'm only missing two, so I'm betting one comes with Purradonna and one comes with Fifi.


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