Thursday, June 1, 2023

Dolly Insider's "Friday Dolly Questions" Part 2

More questions from Dolly Insider! I intended to keep up better with these, but you know, life. 

#16: What are some of your favorite doll themes?

Goth, of course. Preferably done with research. History, especially if they remember history happened outside of Europe and the US. Do fairies count as a theme? I'm always a sucker for fairies. Flowers, too. Thanks, Rose Petal, for that.

#17: Which doll are you currently saving up for? 

None in particular. I'm trying to spend less this summer and only buy dolls I've preordered or are on a small list of ones I've planned on buying (like MH Masquerade Cleo and Spectra, the Pixlings, VIP Hair Academy, etc.). 

#18: What's something you wish you knew about the doll hobby before you started collecting? 

Nothing really? I started recollecting as an adult back in the late 90s. It's been a long damn time, so I've seen a lot of the evolution of doll collectors online. (It has not been pretty. It never will be pretty. It's easier to just accept it.)

#19: What character would you like to see transformed into a doll?

Lily from Legend in her Dark Lily makeover. Oona from Legend. Danielle from Ever After. And I'm still mad we never got Mirta and Diaspro from Winx (amongst others), Orube from W.I.T.C.H., Cabiria from Angel's Friends, the rest of the Star Darlings, Hopper and Ramona and so many others from EAH, and those adorable prototypes of Sweet and Sour Grapes from SSC. 

#20: Have you bought a doll using a proxy shopping service before?

No and I likely never will.

#21: Have you been to a doll event before?

I went to one doll show in Memphis and I've been to a few here in Asheville. 

#22: What doll did you finally add to your collection that you always wanted?

I'd say Patsy "Just Another Wednesday" would be my most recent older acquisition. 


  1. As someone who has used a proxy service (At the time getting BJDs in the Netherlands and I assume the rest of Europe was a pain.), I'd say be glad. I had a relatively smooth experience, and even I had to deal with a lack of communication that really shouldn't happen with a 1500 Euro product. That said I was happy with the eventual product and I still adore the doll, so it evened out.(Sorry, that word brought back some repressed memories.)

    1. I'm very nervous about the process, so I just stick to what I can find from sources I'm used to.
