Friday, November 29, 2024


If you're on Instagram and Facebook, you may have seen ads for Mori Lolli, a new type of doll. There's not much info if you search for her, so I've seen some people wondering if the dolls are a scam. 

I assure you, they are 100% real. 

Mori Lolli is part of the Ruby Red company, which has been doing dolls for 25 years. They're most known right now for Ruby Red Fashion Friends. 

I had no idea they were a branch of Ruby Red until after I'd placed my order, but once I heard that, I knew she'd be good quality. 

The doll box includes:

-doll (tied down to the cardboard liner with her head well protected by foam and a plastic bubble)




-collector card, instruction cards and some little sticky velcro-type dots that might be intended to hold the wig in place, though I'm not sure

She's free!

One of Mori Lolli's features is that you can move her eyes around. If you unscrew the back of her head, you can see her eyes held in place by putty. Typical of BJDs. So you can move them to look in whichever direction you like. 

I did not experiment with this, because I didn't have much time before work, but I will likely do it soon. 

Here she is wearing her socks and dress. 

Her wig might be kanekalon. It's so flyaway. If it isn't, it's something that reminds me a lot of it. 

She has little shorter bits on each side of her face that are gelled to curl in. 

ADORABLE face! I love those eyes!

Fully dressed. 

She's about the height of a Rainbow High doll, only very different proportions. 

I think she's darling and I'm glad I ordered her. They only have three designs right now and she's the cheapest at $99.99. (The other two are $109.99 and $119.99.) Shipping to the US for me was $15, which was fair for USPS from Hong Kong. (I spend more than that shipping across this country.) She also only took a week to arrive, which seemed really fast! I won't be buying the other two, but I'll be keeping an eye out for new designs. 


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Lounging Lizards & Country Critters


I added this red Lizard Wizard to my collection months ago but hadn't gotten around to putting him away with the others yet. 

Then I saw this cow on ebay, from a line called Country Critters. 

These are both marked 2001 PRG. So the same year the wizards were being made, the company was producing farm animals. 

I need to do a full update, because I have the cowgirl from the Western set, too. But for now, I'm posting these on the off chance anyone has any info on the Country Critters. I need to do a deep dive on them, but with a name like that, it's not going to be easy. I'm glad I have the cow though. Super cute!


REVIEW: Dream Besties Daisy

I was originally not going to do this review. I took the boxed pic and profile pic, but then wanted her out of this mess immediately. 

I hate this outfit. I hate the blousy white top with its high neck that sits the same location as her necklace. I hate the utterly unflattering "crochet" dress and how it gives her no waist. 

I don't dislike the boots. They're cute. The accessories are also pretty cute, but not stuff I wanted to keep on her. 

Daisy, your fave color is gold. You are wearing zero gold. Why? Why even have this as a personality tidbit if you're just going to go against it?

I refuse to call her Daisy Jean. She was never Jean before, was she? They're just trying for some cutesy DJ Dad joke and no. Absolutely not. 

My initial plan for her was to actually keep the crochet dress but find a smaller top to put underneath. Preferably a tube top or cropped tee that would be more form-fitting. Then I was going to belt the dress, which is honestly a cute pattern, to give it a waist. However, I couldn't find a top I liked and I did find this freakin' adorable romper I've had in my clothing box for years. I can't remember who it came with, and I'm not the biggest fan of rompers, but I love the colors on this one. 

I had a lot of trouble with shoes! I didn't redress my other Besties. Do they all have bigger feet? She can't wear any shoes from my Barbie stash. I think these are LIV heels, but I can't remember for sure. 

Here she is with the Fashionista she reminds me of. I was initially unhappy with the lighter pink hair, but now she reminds me of this doll and I'm here for that. 

I do like Daisy's phone, so she's keeping that.

So this is the reason I did the review. 

Daisy cannot sit. 

Well, she can, but it's like this. 

Granted, I was going to keep her standing anyway, but I feel it's important to share a doll's poseability limitations, and that's why I opted to do this review, even though I've shown so little of the doll's stock. 

Overall, I love this doll once she's out of her stock. I think she's incredibly cute, and her body shape is nice, despite the inability to sit. I hope they come out with some outfits for these, because we desperately need more shoe options. This isn't exactly what I had in mind for her restyle, but I like it regardless. I imagine her twirling her little braid while checking her texts from several potential girlfriends. 

I'm excited for Ken! Amazon is saying early December for him. I might rewatch Life in the Dreamhouse, because that's the Ken I have in mind for him. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

REVIEW: Yummiland Roxie Crystal Candy & Susie Sour Straw

I went ahead and deboxed these two. 

Susie Sour Straw on the left and Roxie Crystal Candy on the right. I call her Roxie Rock Candy.  

Love the hair on both of these!

I almost didn't get Susie, but honestly, I think she might be my favorite of all. 

I don't plan on getting any more, so this will be it until Series 3.


Monday, November 18, 2024

REVIEW: Yummiland Amber Cinnamon

Amber Cinnamon was my favorite from Yummiland's brand new Series 2, so I'm happy she was my first one shipped from Amazon. 

She's adorable. Love the color scheme.

The flaming ponytail is pretty awesome. 

My second favorite after Maya Watermelon. (I'm still mad she didn't get a big doll.)

Two more coming whenever Amazon decides to ship!


Friday, November 8, 2024

REVIEW: Ruby Red Fashion Friends HARLOW

I mostly stopped buying RRFF after the first Sage debacle and then the massive disappointment that was her 2.0 version. However, when I saw Harlow, she was a must have. And thankfully, an open preorder. 

I don't plan on buying much more from this company. I feel like I have enough and she's the only piece they've made since the original Sage that I've even remotely wanted. 

Harlow wears a mustard-colored bodysuit under burgundy bloomery overalls. Then she's got...I don't even know what to call it. It's basically a dress with thin straps that goes over everything else, but it's too open in the front to be worn as an actual dress. Overdress, I guess? It's lovely, as it has a lot of neat embroidered details. Her socks match her bodysuit and her shoes are like all-black converse. A bit of a pain to get on, but I managed eventually. Then she has her black hat, brown leathery bag, and a wooden beaded necklace with a lavender tassel. 

Her style is kind of all over the place, but to me, she's very comfortable autumn. 

She has gorgeous brown eyes and darker lips than they typically do. 

Her wig is a navy blue bob. 


She's one of my top three favorites, along with Elinda and Fernanda. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

IN STOCK: Rainbow Brite

Five Below has some of the new Rainbow Brite figures in stock! Moonglow is the only common release who isn't there. Buddy Blue is shown but he's a rare, so maybe he'll pop up eventually, maybe not. Canary Yellow is not shown.

Shy Violet is now out of stock. Patty and Lala are low stock. Who knows how long they'll last, but hopefully, they keep restocking.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Pixlings Ranking

It's been eternity since I did a ranking. I always planned to do one for the entirely of Hairdorables, but that never happened. Pixlings though are a small line and so it's pretty easy. 

From least fave to fave. 

You'd think I would like Flitta better, but there's something about her. Maybe it's because a similar color scheme was used on another two dolls and I like those better. Maybe it's because she seems a little over the top compared to others. Maybe it's the weird hair. 

While I like seeing her ears, I'm just not a big fan of this version of Deerlee. 

Original Marena is extremely cute, but I feel like she's lacking something. Maybe it's the plain hairstyle or the round forehead jewel. I'm not sure. 

I really thought I'd like Pheona better than I do, but here she is. I absolutely love her face and whatever those things on her head are. Love that she's wearing pants, but they're the most boring pants ever. She'd be much higher if they stopped doing this same color scheme and had the guts to make her red instead of pink. 

This version of Unia is very endearing because of how she looks up at you super cutely with her hair pulled back so you can really see her adorable ears. The giant ears are totally my favorite part of this line. 

Faye is elevated a lot by the use of green in her design. It's not a lot, but it's enough. She also has a very cute face. 

New Faye is superior to old Faye.

Now it's getting tough. I adore Wynter and how bright white she is. She's also got my favorite shade of pink hair, that milky lighter pink. 

Bearlinda nudged her way ahead of Wynter only because of her face. There is something about her face that I am absolutely in love with. 

New Marena is quite an upgrade on the original and that big smile shows that she knows it. 

I love the brown elements on Deerlee (except for the weird fur on the skirt), but her Asian touches are my favorite things. She has a great paint job and a hairstyle that really complements it. 

Amber is stunning. I wish they'd do more green ones. I love her face and hairstyle. 

Catlyn just squeaked it out over Amber. Barely. She has the superior outfit and boots, plus her face is superb. The shooting star whiskers are genius, and I love her nose and the shape of her mouth. 

Firensa beat out Catlyn by a hair. I had to stare at them both here on my coffee table to decide. 

Unia's name was originally Celeste and I hated the name Unia when I first heard the change. So this girl is Celeste. The new one with the braids is Unia. She was my first favorite and remains very high on the list. Her face deco is brilliant and I'm a sucker for that crimped hair. 

So these top two are a tie. I can't possibly choose between them. Nebula is more my style and I adore her sweet face. Also love dragonflies. 

And then Angelica is not my usual taste, but she uses one of my favorite doll color schemes. The pale pinks with that beautiful, milky pale yellow combined with the rose gold-esque elements makes for perfection. She's like what if Fluttershy were a Pixling. She even has the sweet face to match.

So yeah, tie for first between Nebula and Angelica. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

REVIEW: TLS Toy's Strawberry Shortcake CheeBees Series 2

 I caved and got the new series of Strawberry Shortcake figures on ebay. Without a Five Below anymore, I have no other way to go and last series, they were horrible at putting them up online until months after they first came out. These new ones have some favorites, so I was more impatient this time. 

And honestly, work has been so hard lately that I deserve to splurge a little. 

So! Blueberry Muffin is one of my favorites from the earliest SSC characters. Pretty much her, Raspberry and Lime. I'm always happy when she's included. She's adorable here as always and she smells great. 

The younger characters are the ones I care about least, but I do still own my childhood Cherry. I definitely hope to see Apricot next series. She's my favorite of younger cast. 

Cherry's scent really reminds me of the dolls, so that's a big plus. 

So excited to see some of the international friends! They're my faves of all. I really hope they do Cafe Ole and my absolute fave, Crepe Suzette, next time. 

Mint is darling, but she has a weird smell. It reminds me of lavender, which is definitely neither mint nor tulip. 

Almond was who I had in mind to be my fave from this set. Adorable and smells great. 

I don't care for the glitter chase figures, but when I saw hers, I had to grab her. I like the odd split coloring. It's not as obvious with Blueberry, Strawberry or Mint, who are the other chase figures. 

And here is my surprise actual favorite! Don't get me wrong, I prefer Almond Tea in my overall list of SSC faves, but for this series of figures, Angel Cake is hands down the cutest one. And she smells good, too.


She's a little tippy, but she's still perfect. 

That catches me up with the SSC figures. I rewarded myself for getting through the weekend by grabbing the main six Rainbow Brite figures off Mercari. That only leaves Buddy and Canary, and honestly, I have no real hope of getting them. I'm disappointed TLS decided to make main characters so rare in a line that's already hard to find because not all of us have a Five Below. But I'm very relieved they didn't choose any of my faves to make rare!