Thursday, February 27, 2025

REVIEW: Defa Lucy Lunar Model V1

This is my first "collector" Defa Lucy purchase. I have three of the cheaper dolls the company started with. 

While I've liked all their collector designs, no one got my money until they started teasing Lunar Model. 

I will always be a sucker for short hair!

I wasn't thrilled with the shipping, as they took quite a while. This was warned about, so I expected it, but they managed to take so long that it hit at the same time as winter weather. This package disappeared into UPS's "weather delay" limbo for eight days before reappearing a couple hours away from me. The same thing happened with another UPS package from CA at the same time. Not the company's fault, just poor timing, but UPS could be better about their updates.  

LE certificate. 

In the box. Very reminiscent of Integrity. 

The stand is really nice quality. 

I love the purse. It has a magentic closure, too, and the chain is actually a chain. 

The boots are very nicely-made. 

Every outfit piece is also nicely-made. 

This is her straight out of the box and undressed. 

She does have gel going on, though it's not horrid. But it's enough that I wanted it out. 

The body is good quality. Not as heavy as an Integrity body, but that's definitely who they were mimicking. 

I love this tattoo and hate that they chose an outfit that completely covers it up. 

Though I also do love the outfit. Maybe I would have done a cutout back on the sweater to show the tattoo.

The skirt is fantastic. I'd wear that in black.  

While I love the quality of the boots, I wish they were a little something more. A bit edgier. Get some straps and buckles on there. 

These pictures were taken after I'd washed the gel out and let her dry. 

I can't stand a slicked down bob. 

Love her face!

She's got some of the Integrity bitchface attitude, but not to the extent that they do. 

Overall, I'm impressed. 

The quality is there. You can see where your $65 is going. There isn't a single piece that feels cheap or like they cut corners in any way. (Me wanting fancier boots is a design thing, not a quality thing.)

I will absolutely buy another of these dolls when they put out another design I like. 


Thursday, February 20, 2025

REVIEW: TLS Toy's Jem!

So I've had her for about a week and I'm finally getting around to finishing this review. It didn't help to have a holiday weekend in there, but I've also just been lazy. 

A lot of people have already posted her, but if you don't know, TLS Toy has brought Jem back to the shelves. She's currently only at Walmart for $24.97 but will eventually be in other places. Walmart has not been handling this well, as the only way to get her has been to have her in stock nearby. I've not once seen her in stock for general shipping. I managed to get one from my farthest Walmart and then two more for international friends. I'm really thrilled that demand for her is this high, because that should mean we get more characters, but at the same time, they need to make her easier to get. 

While I like the box, I do think they could have replicated the original. That would have been cooler. 

I'll get this out of the way first. TLS is not my favorite company. I have a firm love/hate relationship with them. I think they make quality products for fair prices, but I don't like their release schedule at all. They still haven't finished the Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake lines we first saw ages ago, yet they keep producing the hard to find mini figures that are mostly sold at Five Below. They make important characters rare chase figures. And I think they've dipped their hands into too many things at once. 

Honestly, I'm just cranky I don't have Indigo and Lala Orange yet, and I'm mad I'll never get a Canary Yellow figure. 

Anyway, Jem box is cool but could have been cooler. 

I'm not going to open everything. It's been done by others, so I'll keep things neatly boxed. 

I love the stickers on the side and I'm pleased they include the Misfits. 

Their songs ARE better. 

The tray behind the doll holds the stand, the Jerrica beret and dress, a card, and the useless lanyard. 

My biggest complaint about this doll is that they wasted money on junk like the lanyard and paper goods instead of giving us a Jerrica head. What is the point of giving her the outfit if she can't be Jerrica? The whole point of Jem is that she's a SECRET. Not much of a secret with all that pink hair as the only option. 

The stand is damn cool though. It plays part of the theme song and can be either a normal stand or a microphone. 

The doll needed big time hair help. This is after a trip to the salon.

Her hair is silky and lovely, but it's also way too thin. 

The body articulation is pretty great, though she's not the best at sitting. Mine almost lost her right leg when I tried, so I popped it back into place and gave up. 

I honestly can't tell if her proportions are slightly off or if I only think that because I'm not used to dolls with regular-sized heads and actual boobs. This is more what Elvira needed, Mattel. Come on. 

From the back. 

I didn't do a size comparison, because others have, but she is tall and she is HEAVY. 

There is some staining from the dress. Don't be surprised if you see this. 

The clothing materials are excellent. These are some of the softest doll stockings I've ever had and they're easy to put on. Ah, the old childhood days of struggling to get stockings on the vinyl click-knee Barbie legs. Do not miss that. 


Likewise, the dress is the softest metallic fabric I have ever felt. 

I wish it cinched in a bit more at the waist but that's a nitpick.

With the belt and shoes on.

A lot of people complained because the dress is too dark. It is definitely darker than it should be, but my bigger complaint is that they could have made the shoes metallic pink and didn't. They look pretty flat with the flash of the rest of the outfit. 

Her bangs make it hard to get a good pic of her face. 

But she is very pretty. 

There we go. 



-It's amazing to see Jem back again and I'm glad she's selling well.

-Excellent price.

-Body is mostly well-constructed and very articulated. Mostly feels sturdy. I like the proportions. 

-Clothing materials are excellent. 

-Stand is excellent. 

-Hair is soft.

-Love the sculpted earrings. 



-Dress staining.

-Thin hair.

-Can't sit very well.

-Shoes should have been metallic like the original. 

-Dress could be lighter pink, but eh. Not a huge deal.  

I'm eagerly looking forward to the next releases. I'm hoping they do them in pairs so we get a Hologram and a Misfit at the same time. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Catching Up with MLPs

I thought I'd catch up and show most of the ponies I've picked up since I moved here. I think I've shown a few before, so I just grabbed the ones I didn't have pics of. 

I got a great deal on Princess Taffeta, one of my faves from the second set of Princess ponies. She's my most recent arrival. 

These others I picked up cheap a few years ago. 

Princess Primrose

Princess Royal Blue

Princess Sparkle is back home. She's the one I had when I was a kid. 

Princess Starburst

Princess Tiffany

And the completed Bushwoolies. 

Cheery, Hugster, Chumster, Wishful, Eager, and Friendly. 

Caramel Crunch I've had for a bit. 

But I just got Molasses. 

Sunnybunch is my fave Merry-go-round pony. 

Wildflower. I love her colors. 


Bright Night

Cha Cha

That's it for now! I definitely plan to add more. I've cut back a lot on my buying, but it's easy to pick up a pony here and there. Unless you go for the rares or internationals, they're quite reasonable. 


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Magic Mixies Mixlings NEON MAGIC CHEAT CODES

No cauldron pic because I was too excited to open them and then my mom took out the trash, including the box with the cauldrons, before I thought about keeping one. Whoops. 

So the Neon Magic series was only sold in Europe, I believe. I never expected to get them, but ended up doing a trade. 

I'm going to put the codes alongside the photos instead of at the bottom.

So basically there are 6 pair in 6 themes. One is brighter, one is darker. 

These two are Enchanters, so their eyes flip. 

JIPS: 4-9

JILLI: 5-0

These two are Morphlings with the long necks. 

I'd like to note that Azak is shown as green in the checklist. He is not. That was disappointing. He's cute but would have been cuter in lime green.

AZAK: 5-2

ANNY: 5-2

Anny is possibly my favorite from the set. 

These are Vanishers, though I haven't tested them. 

I actually like the brighter one, Lixon, better here. Lorryn is shown as much darker on the checklist, but she's a pretty vivid neon blue. 

LIXON: 5-3



I love both of these, but I prefer Bohip just a smidge. 

BOHIP: 5-5


These are Spell Gazers, the ones where you can flip their faces.

I love the dark one, Hapazu. He's the darkest of all the mixlings across every series. He's my other one that's a possible favorite. Either him or Anny. Or hell, let's just say both. 



And finally, the Castlings.



These may not even be in stores anymore, but I wanted to post the codes just in case they end up helping someone.