Monday, July 8, 2024

REVIEW: Descendants 4 Red

Finally getting around to these ladies. I've had them deboxed for a few days. 

I want to love Red. I love the live action footage we've seen of her. I actually love everything about the doll except her face. 

They somehow got all the faces right for the actors except for Red's. You know, the main character? Missed the mark on her. 

Her face is too skinny and all cheekbones, then her features are way too big for it. Her eyes should have been narrower. She needs to look mischievous and she doesn't at all. A wider jaw really would have helped, too. 

The boots are cute. 

Overall, I like her, but her odd face is going to take some getting used to, and I just don't understand how they arrived at that end product when they have plenty of images of the actress to go by. 

I do like the outfit. I didn't take the jacket off because I didn't want to mess with those fishnets getting caught on anything. 


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