Remember at the end of my July Month in Review when I said I'd tackle August's soon?
Yeah, I failed that.
Hence Dringle the sloth being very appropriate to start this post out.
So I decided instead to combine August and September, even though September is a week away from over. If I get anything else this month, I'm betting it will either be actually delivered in October (QVC bears from the shows at the end of this week) or something I do special reviews for, so let's just go ahead and bang out both these months.
August has a LOT of Charlie Bears.
Like A LOT.
I've said that before, but August begins with a trio of them from my stockist that I had on pre-order PLUS all my deliveries from the QVC shows at the end of July/beginning of August.
Dringle the sloth is one of my favorites ever. He and Lowry the African painted dog here on the right are part of the Charlie Bears Bearhouse line, which are incredibly detailed, but not jointed like regular CBs, so they're more affordable. I mean, they're still expensive, but they would have been over a hundred each at their sizes and detail level had they been jointed.
I adore both of them so much, but Dringle is my special favorite. I love sloths.
Bundle here on the left came along with them. He was the regular bear from the 2018 line that I was most excited to own and he doesn't disappoint at all.
I feel like a lot of people overlooked him when it was pre-order time, but he grew in popularity during the wait for him to come out and my stockist's first batch of him sold out.
Moving on to the QVC bears, this is Bumble Bee. I just call him Bumble. He's a smaller version of a larger older bear named Bumble that was popular. I wasn't 100% on him, but I tried him out anyway and I liked him enough to keep him. My mom really likes him so he lives in her room.
This dark brown guy on the left here is named Jan. Jan like the male name with a Y sound, not Jan like in Janet. A lot of collectors kept calling him "her" and I just knew they were going with the feminine name, which annoyed me, because he's named after a real person.
Jan is extremely soft and was the first bear to sell out from this batch of shows. I ordered two to choose the best one, though neither was my vision of the perfect Jan. He's grown on me, but I'm looking forward to choosing his brother Hakatan, who I have on pre-order from my stockist, and picking out the perfect face on him.

Sharon is the last bear from this arrival. All of these arrived on the same day. I got home from work and had a blast hugging all my new bears.
Sharon is one of a trio of similar designs. I have Ainsley from an earlier QVC show. He's like her only all in black and shades of gray. The third is Stuart, who I'm hoping they bring over here someday.
Elizabeth is the one bear I was really looking forward to from this set of shows, because she was originally supposed to be on the spring shows. I finally got her though and I love her. I'd been wanting her for almost a year before we finally got her over here!
And finally little Winter is the last from these QVC shows. She's a standing bear and she's only 11" tall, so she's very petite.
I like her little floofy head and teeny face.
August was also the continuation of my Hairdorables obsession.
Of the initial wave, Starstruck Neila here was my favorite, along with Stylin' Sallee.
I found this WWE Superstars Alicia Fox on clearance for $4 and some change. She's my least favorite of the ones I have, but hey, she's pretty and she was cheap.
I ordered 3 of the Series 4 LOL Surprise off Amazon and opened 3 of the 5 I wanted most! I was pretty happy. I don't buy LOLs a lot right now, because money's been quite tight and going mostly to bears, Hairdorables and anniversary ponies.
It's another bear. What a surprise.
This little dude is Tadam. He was a whim purchase. I fell in love with this particular one's face.
May as well do Elspeth at the same time. I originally got Elspeth earlier this year, but they discovered a flaw with the fabric that would make it deteriorate over time, so they did a recall.
At the end of August, my replacement Elspeth arrived back home.
I think she's cuter than the first one and a lovely color.
I was so happy that the second set of Enchantimals plush made it into existence that I overpaid for every single one of them on ebay.
I love that dang turtle so much. And the other two are super cute, too.
I became kind of obsessed with this unicorn from TJ Maxx that I didn't get the first time I saw her.
Thankfully, she was still there when I went back.
I don't know what it is about her, but I love her.
The missing 14 Hairdorables started to appear in early September! They're still not widespread because I can't find people to buy the last few I need from. Sigh!
But Sallee was one of the first trios I completed. Sallee's so fabulous. Everyone one of these dolls is amazing.
Harmony's one of my other faves. Neila is actually possibly my favorite doll, but only Starstruck and Moonlit. I'm not into Super Neila much. But anyway, Neila, Sallee and Harmony are my big favorites from this line.
It's another bear. I told you there were a lot. And I'm not even done.
Mattie was another whim purchase because QVC did 6 Easy Pays one day. I decided to check him out in person and cross my fingers that I got one I liked. And I did. Mattie is random plush, so the patterns are never the same, and some have mostly light faces. I wanted the darker brown on the face, at least a good chunk of it, and that's exactly what I got!
Mattie is slim, petite and super squishable and cuddly.
This big guy is actually a pillow. I was heading back up to the registers in Target and he was hanging out on an endcap in bedding and just made his way home with me.
Curse you and your powers, Target.
No one ever walks out with only the one or two things they went in looking for.
Another bear! Whisp is my birthday gift to myself. She was a Secret Collection bear so not one the US stockists got. I never thought I'd own her unless I imported her, but lo and behold, one of my favorite ebay sellers got her in AND I got her for a killer price. Only $57! And free shipping, too.
Whisp is the sister to Wisteria, who I've had for quite some time.
Wisteria's in the center in the below picture.
Chatterbox, the lively brown fellow, also arrived that day.
The problem with him is that his head was extremely floppy. I asked around and no one who got a bear from an earlier batch had a floppy head. Several of the US buyers who ordered him off QVC like I did got one with a floppy head. But not all of them. So I decided to exchange mine and see if I could get a sturdier one. I'll let you all know how that goes, because he only just got returned to QVC today. Everything went slowly thanks to the hurricane. If I get another floppy one, I'm not sure what I'll do.
Also arriving on that same day was this awesome old Tecna doll from the Italian-made Winx Club line. I love the Giochi Preziosi dolls because they had a such a great range of outfits, a lot of which came directly from the show.
This Tecna is from the Magic Hair line. I think the hair's supposed to curl easily. It's a slightly thick, sticky but not exactly sticky texture, but I don't mind it.
One more Hairdorable! I got this Kurly Kat off ebay for a fab price. I love this one. Favorite Kat for sure.
And finally, more bears.
MishMash on the left is not new, but HodgePodge and Medley are fresh arrivals from my stockist. I had HodgePodge on pre-order, but added Medley on a whim when I realized I'd have to do layaway, because three of my pre-orders all came in at once. I figured why not just go ahead and make it four.
Hodge and Medley are incredibly soft all over their bodies, unlike Mish, who's softest on his limbs and ears only. Hodge and Medley are very underrated bears, which is a shame. I've talked them up a few times, so hopefully people check them out!
Okay, that is it for these two months. If I happen to get anything else in the next week, it will likely get a special review. I'm hoping to find some Marvel Rising stuff, but not counting on it.