Tuesday, January 21, 2025

FOR SALE: Lucky Loong

I bought a case of these guys and ended up with 6 doubles. 

If anyone wants to swap, I'd love more I don't have. 

But I'll also sell for $4 each. I'd do $20 for the lot of 6. (Shipping extra.)

Each one is different except the two pink on the right. Those two are the same. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

NEWS: Disney ILY

I saw the new ILYs in Target, too. 

Here's the Bambi one. 

Bo Peep. 

Back of the box. 

And then Minnie. 

And the back of her box. 

I didn't buy any. ILY is getting a little too repetitive. The dolls are pretty but I feel like I own versions of all these already and they're not exactly repping my favorite characters. I wish they'd do more like the NBC girl! She's my fave. (Obviously.)

PHOTO CREDIT: Mine, taken in Target. 

REVIEW: Royale High Figures Series 2

I stopped in Target after work and was surprised to see Series 2 of the Royale High figures! 

I'm going to review the two I bought first, then at the end of the post, I'll show the entirety of the line. 

So this is the Surprise Locker Dark character. 


Back of the box. 


The secret purse honestly goes better with the Series 1 locker character. 

I love the Series 2 one though. Excellent hair and I love her top and boots. 

Then of course, I bought the Dark Fairy. 

Back of the box. 

In her gothy glory. 

Casual style. 

Not a huge fan of this hair. It's cute but the black is better. 

Sharing is darkly caring. 

Series 1 Locker has the purse from Series 2 Locker and the boots from Series 2 fairy. 

Series 2 fairy is wearing her basic outfit minus the tiara. And I need to straighten her hair. Argh.

Series 2 Locker has borrowed the skirt from the fairy. I love this skirt. I'd wear it. 

I do have the codes for both. First person to email me at eilonwe@gmail.com will get photos of them.

So here are the others. 

Ice fairy. I wanted to like her, but didn't quite get there. 

Light fairy. I do love that hair she's got on. 

Nature fairy is very pretty. 

And the Water fairy is really bright. 

I considered getting more, but I'm cutting back on spending and opted to be good. 

I almost got her but then talked myself out of it. 

Fire character. 

I assumed she had a ponytail but she actually has short hair. Kinda tempted by her now but that outfit. Eugh. 




I can't wait to see if they do more larger dolls! Still hoping for a Fire fairy. 

PHOTO CREDIT: Mine. Dark characters shot at home. Other characters shot in Target. 

Friday, January 3, 2025


She's here at last!

Valentina is my favorite from the little I've seen of Unicorn Academy. She has the best design by far.  

Honestly, they did really well with everything but her face. 

Her hair is silky soft and gorgeous colors. 

Her outfit is a decent depiction of the show outfit. The top and jacket are one piece, like the other girls in the line have, but the skirt is actually a separate piece over the top of the pants. 

The boots are great. 

She's adorable. That's the problem. Valentina is supposed to be fierce and sassy. She should be smirking or at least have some expressive eyebrows. 

I still love her. Buuuuut I want my sass queen. 

I think her small figure captures her a bit better, but yeah, I'm glad to finally have her in doll form. We'll just pretend she's having a really nice day for some reason. 


Thursday, January 2, 2025

QuirkyQritters Succulent BJDs


I saw these on IG and absolutely fell in love with them. I was surprised to see two of the three succulent designs still in stock and I simply could not choose. So I adopted both.  

The artist is QuirkyQritters. 

This sassbomb is Lacy. 

And this is Poppy, though I think I'm going to rename him Juniper. 

They're resin 3D-printed strung BJDs. The back of the head is attached with magnets, so you can access the strings and eyes. 

Those fabulous tails are fully jointed!

So in love with them! I'm going to get on the etsy app and add a bunch more to my wishlist. These two were ready to ship, but there are a ton of designs that are made to order. 




REVIEW: Mattel Barbie HARLEY & IVY

What a pain in the ass journey this was. 

I don't think I've done a longer-term preorder with Target before. I had no idea they kept authorizing the price over and over again. I ended up keeping Harley on my initial order but reordering Ivy to switch funding sources. Then reordering her again when a better coupon came out. I was only able to because she stayed in stock, while Harley sold out fast. So it was weeks of approving delays and then finally, FINALLY Harley shipped. There was weirdness with her charge, but it went through okay in the end and even had a couple discounts that shouldn't have actually been applied. Not too long after, Ivy also shipped. Troublesome as that was, I'm lucky because apparently people got their orders cancelled? 

Anyway, there's Harley in her box. 

And Ivy in hers. They really could have put her head at a better angle. 

Harley needed some de-gelling. 

Love everything about her. 


Also gorgeous!

I love Harley but I really, really love this Ivy doll. 

Her earrings are spectacular. 


I'd love to see more characters in this style. Would really love it if they branched into X-Men. Like how long do I have to wait for fabulous Rogue and Psylocke dolls?