I stopped in Target after work and was surprised to see Series 2 of the Royale High figures!
I'm going to review the two I bought first, then at the end of the post, I'll show the entirety of the line.
So this is the Surprise Locker Dark character.
Back of the box.
The secret purse honestly goes better with the Series 1 locker character.
I love the Series 2 one though. Excellent hair and I love her top and boots.
Then of course, I bought the Dark Fairy.
Back of the box.
In her gothy glory.
Casual style.
Not a huge fan of this hair. It's cute but the black is better.
Sharing is darkly caring.
Series 1 Locker has the purse from Series 2 Locker and the boots from Series 2 fairy.
Series 2 fairy is wearing her basic outfit minus the tiara. And I need to straighten her hair. Argh.
Series 2 Locker has borrowed the skirt from the fairy. I love this skirt. I'd wear it.
I do have the codes for both. First person to email me at eilonwe@gmail.com will get photos of them.
So here are the others.
Ice fairy. I wanted to like her, but didn't quite get there.
Light fairy. I do love that hair she's got on.
Nature fairy is very pretty.
And the Water fairy is really bright.
I considered getting more, but I'm cutting back on spending and opted to be good.
I almost got her but then talked myself out of it.
Fire character.
I assumed she had a ponytail but she actually has short hair. Kinda tempted by her now but that outfit. Eugh.
I can't wait to see if they do more larger dolls! Still hoping for a Fire fairy.
PHOTO CREDIT: Mine. Dark characters shot at home. Other characters shot in Target.