Wednesday, March 26, 2025


I've been getting a few emails about Zelfs, so I figured I'd go ahead and look through my collection to see what I'd part with. (This isn't quite everything. There are 4 I'm currently holding for someone and some are sold already.)

If they're not pictured here, I'm not actively looking to sell, but for the right offer, I might consider it. I've been swayed before. 

Anyway, let's start with the large ones. 

ARTIE: Series 6. Comes with barrette only. $30

MISS TUTU: Series 3. Comes with both barrettes. I just noticed the lavender bow one in her boxed pic and added it to her. So it's not pictured here, but she will come with it. $15

HARMONIE: Series 6. Comes with barrette only. $20

Here are the mediums. 

LULLABY: Series 3. Comes with barrette. $12

CINDY-MOO: Series 4. Comes with barrette. $25

BILLY: Series 3. Comes with barrette. $15

WISHBEAM: Series 6. $20

TEENY GENIE: Series 2. Comes with charm. $25 

FLITTERBELLE: Series 6. $20

I also have a carded Cleocat. 

There is some damage to the card. It's bent on both right corners. 

And it lived through two hurricanes. There is some discoloration at the bottom of the card on the back. I have cleaned it, so it's not dirty, but this is the color it always will be. 

If you don't mind an imperfect card or want one to open, she's a good one for you. 


Thursday, March 20, 2025


Okay, guys, my favorite band is playing in three months and I'm flying to New York to see them. I've spent more money on a ticket, flight and hotel than I've ever spent on basically one thing. And I still need to make sure all my bills are paid and have plenty of spending money for the trip. (Museum visits! Transit! Eating in NYC for three days and wanting more than just basic fast food!) 


If there has ever been anything in my collection that you've been interested in, now is the time to ask me. I've sold/traded some things in the past few months that I wouldn't have considered selling before the hurricane. My mindset has shifted since. I feel like I'd rather some things go to collectors who would give them more love. And now add to that needing money, so I'm pretty open to letting things go. I'm still going to price research though, so don't expect me to just give things away.

Things I definitely will not part with:
-Castle Keeps Gargoyles
-Charmin' Farm Friends Fuzzimals/Barndazzlers
-Happy Ness
-Pretty Little Pups
-Prototype Shimmers Speckle & Glade 
-Battle Beasts/Monster in My Pocket (like anyone would even ask)
-A Lot A Axolotls

I'm not going to make a huge list, but those are the ones that popped in my head. 

Yeah, so don't be afraid to ask. The worst I can say is no and I wouldn't say it meanly. If you're more comfortable emailing (, feel free.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

OVERVIEW: Galoob Sashays

I have somehow never written a post for these little ladies. 

I can't remember when I discovered Sashays, but I'm almost certain it was thanks to Ghost of the Doll. 

These were produced by Galoob in 1986. Right around my proper time frame, so I have no idea how I never saw them in stores. Pretty sure young me would have wanted one. 

They're small dolls with painted-on bodysuits, shoes, earrings, and sometimes other jewelry, depending on the series. Each comes with a hat on a barrette and a large skirt that turns into a pillow. They also have a stand and a brush, both of which always seem to be pink. 

They're supposed to be scented, but none of mine have ever had any smell. 

The only info on the four series is on the back of the box. 

We have Sparkle, Shimmer, Garden and Glow.

The boxes on these girls are quite oversized and on the awkward side. It took me ages to figure out how to display the new one I just got. 

We'll start with the Glow series, as that's what Night Flower here is. 

This set has dolls wearing pink, peach, green, blue, and two different purples. 

The skirts are iridescent. 

The only way you know the doll's name is if you see her in box. 


I grabbed a lot of these pics from Google/Ghost of the Doll, so if something is yours, let me know and I'll add credit. 

So the only other Glow we have a name for is the orange one: Sunset Orange. 

Then we've got the all-purple skirt. 

And the white one with lighter purple edges. 

(All of these pics came from Ghost of the Doll.)

Moving on to the Garden series, these have prints on their skirts. 

They come in pink, peach, yellow, green, blue and purple. 

This is my second Sashay ever. Her name is White Spice, which I just learned because I now know someone with her boxed. 

Mine is missing her hat and stand. (And brush, but I don't care about that.)

I bought the purple one off etsy and she arrived yesterday. 

Here's the pink Garden girl! She was actually my first one ages ago, but I traded her for a Castle Keeps Gargoyle. Zero regrets on that, but it is good to have her back. 

I've had 3 loose dolls for years and I couldn't resist putting this one in the peach Garden outfit, which I also got off etsy. 

The doll is from the Sparkle line, which I knew, but I've just learned her name is Golden Forest.  


Since we had Golden Forest right there, let's show her off in the box. 

This is the Sparkle series, which are metallic. 

They come in pink, purple, silver, gold, copper, and another light one that I can't get a definite color for. It's silvery but also kinda purple? Maybe lavender metallic? 

(Picture from Worthpoint.)


Crimson Flower is the pink one. 

(Picture from Worthpoint.)

Silver Blossom is the silver. Obviously.

I'm proud to say she's mine. She just arrived today. 

Then finally, we have the Shimmer series, which has satiny skirts. 

These come in white, light pink, darker pink, yellow, blue, and purple. 

This is Cloud-9. 

(Picture from ebay.)

I actually have her without any accessories. 

I also have this blue one that's a complete mystery, because she has the outfit style of the Sparkle series, but there's no blue. Maybe that odd-colored light one got turned into a blue one? 

Merry Cherry is the pink one. 

(Pretty sure this also originated on ebay.)

And Tru-Blue Tuberose is the blue. 

(Picture from Worthpoint.)

If you have any Sashays, I'd love to see them, especially if you know any more of their names! 

PHOTO CREDIT: As marked. If they're unmarked, they're my own. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Welp, I just realized I haven't done a Bearrival post in eons. 

And yeah, my last was in August. 


Soooooooo this is gonna be a lot of pictures and not many words!

This is Paprika. Paprika is awesome because he reminds me of Allsorts, one of my very first CBs, and because he's really cuddly for a smaller bear. Highly recommend.

Stardust from 2024's batch of teeny neon bears. 

I like green, so he'll definitely stick around. 

This is Water Dragon. I honestly still have not bonded with him. He's my least favorite dragon in this style. I need to either put effort into bonding or adopt him out to a better home. 

Dibbinsdale is an angry small cat. 

One of my favorites from these last few months. Gisburn wasn't a planned buy, but he was so worth it. He helped with some stress relief after Helene. 

My Neverland has some flaws, but she's somehow just right for me.


I adore Astro. 

Atlas is supposed to be an Atlas bear, but there's no way. He's a megatherium and I'm sticking with that. 

He has unusual fur and he's very huggable. 

Rummy is a tyber bear, so he's super soft. 

He's a more unusual style of bear, a little on the goofy side. But I like him. 

I fell in love with this particular Moss and ended up importing him from Australia, along with a particular Rainbows End. 

Moss is way bigger than I expected. He's pretty awesome. 


Wonderland is Neverland in slightly cooler colors, so of course I prefer him. 

Beetle Bear!

Beetle was my second most wanted from the year after Bodmin. She does not disappoint! Her longer fur is silky soft and I love her beetley tummy. The antennae are soft and very poseable, so if you want to hug her, you can simply smooth them down and they won't poke you in the face. She sits like the gargoyles do, so that's who she's with on display. 

Rhys is a chonky, slumpy, cuddly soft little bear. 

Tricorn is absolutely stunning, but if you want a cuddling character, she's not the best. The horns are right in your face and I'm not a fan of the bell. So she'll just look pretty on my shelf with some of my mohairs. 

Razzle is another neon floof. 

Westminster is an older Bearhouse goat that I always liked. 

Oh, my gods, this guy! Mock Turtle is quite tall at 20", but he's so much lighter and more cuddly than I could ever have imagined. All his materials are so soft! I love his flippers and hooves and his little cow tail. I'm not big into Wonderland, but he's a delightful character.

Oh, Howie. Howie was actually my very first Charlie Bear, way back in 2016. I rehomed him pretty early on. There was something about his size that I didn't like back then. Like when I saw him on the computer screen, I thought he'd be a lot smaller than he was in person, and I could never sort that out in my head. Eventually, I ended up picking up Eton, who's the same design in different colors, and when I adored her, I wanted Howie back. It's just taken him a few years to get here. 

Nessie is certainly one of the most striking pieces CBs has ever done. She is really long, but not that tall and she's surprisingly skinny and lightweight. She is so stunning. Her fur is soft. The six legs are amazing. Her face is perfection. I love every little detail and type of fabric. She's too awkward in shape to be cuddly, but she's undoubtedly spectacular.   

And now we're almost caught up!

Clubs is one of the new style of Bearhouse offerings. They showed off a series of five dragons in this smaller, simpler, far more affordable style. 

I love Clubs' color and like the entire line, he's super soft and cuddly. 

Hearts is the smallest of the new five. You wouldn't think I'd go for the tiny pink dragon, but there is something about her little goofy face. 

From the smallest to the largest. Deck is officially given a height of 14.5" but he is so much taller than that. 

I love these guys because they're so cartoony and cute. Deck is definitely the most so of the three. 

Okay, thanks for coming along for this little CB ride. I'll try to be better with keeping up!


Saturday, March 8, 2025


I've been wanting one of these for several months, but stupidly never added an ebay search for them. I think I kept forgetting what they were called. 

I got lucky and found this girl, who just happens to be my favorite one. 

The righthand corner of the box identifies the company as Branson with a date of 1985. She is also marked "1985 Branson" on the bottom. 

How did we all miss these? I feel like hardly anyone knows about them. 

Her name is Dazzle. 

Yes, I opened her. 

If I'd let her sit on the backcard forever, I would never have seen these adorable stubby wings! Or that tail! 

Little heart on the ponytail holder. 

The hair quality is really dry, but I wasn't expecting silkiness. 

Sooooooooooo happy! She's the cutest. And very soft and squishy, too. I wasn't expecting that. I was imagining a harder plastic. 

Oh, and she does definitely glow in the dark. 

I want the others, of course, but I'm super happy to even have one.