Thursday, July 18, 2024

REVIEW: Barbie Dream Besties Teresa

Ah, finally getting caught up on my backlog of reviews to do. 

Teresa arrived several days ago and has been patiently sitting on my shelf until today. 

I still have not been able to catch Malibu in stock, but now I've got both Walmart and Amazon to keep an eye on.

She's adorable.

I'm not a fan of the gaming accessories or the headphones, so they'll never be seen again. 

What even are the sunglasses?

Who needs accessories when you look like this? 

Her hair is so silky and great. My only complaint is that it's heavy, so it flops in front of her left eye a lot. But that's a minor issue. 

Gorgeous face!

I love that she loves bears. I love bears. She loves bears. I don't love gaming, but I could still hang with Teresa. 

Have I mentioned how gorgeous she is?

I'm sorry, Renee. Teresa is my favorite. You're second. 

I mean, it's impossible to compete with this. 



  1. She's very cute! Love the colors.
    I think the sunglasses are meant to be fuzzy? Like, with the ears and the teddy, she has a bit of a bear thing going on.
    Doesn't make it any less weird, though. (Also fuzzy glasses sound like a nightmare.)

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're like furry sunglasses. It's more the why would someone want that part.

    2. Commitment to the bit? Like, I know her thing is video game development, but the headphones with the ears kinda make me think 'Streamer' (Which can be combined. Some Game Devs stream their games to promote them.) and streamers can have a 'gimmick'. And if her gimmick is 'Bear', I can see the fuzzy sunglasses.
      I'm probably giving it more taught then the designers.

  2. She really is beautiful. Also, her face has features really similar to the "Neysa" head sculpt. Which makes sense, since she was meant to be Teresa before the brand went with the all are Barbie thing and erased her friends until recently.
