Thursday, June 27, 2024

REVIEW: Yummiland 2024

When I heard Yummiland was coming back, I was excited. Then significantly less so once I saw they weren't anything like the originals. 

However, I did think some were cute.

Maya Watermelon especially made me really want her. 

So here are the small dolls. These run $9.99 each. 

Packaging is quite simple. 

I did not make any of the lipgloss. I've no interest in liquidy lipgloss. 

I also didn't keep the keychain attachment that you can poke into the doll's head. 


I love her color scheme. That particular shade of her sweaterdress is gorgeous. 

Sadly, they have the clothing gap in the back like LOLs do. 

Body underneath is simple. I almost feel like these joints are wasted on dolls like this. She can't move without the outfit looking weird. 

Greta Grape is my second fave. 

The scent on these isn't super strong. It's mostly located around the shirt. 

Really cute. I'm disappointed she didn't get a big doll. 

With characters like Greta and Callie, I really would not use them as keychains. The shoes don't fall off extremely easily, but you're still going to lose them within a week. 

I'm probably going to love anything blueberry, so I had to get Rory Blueberry. 

She just looks like Skyler. 

Callie Birthday Cake. I'm not sure if I would have preferred just Callie Cake or something with a B for a first name to go better with Birthday. 

Cute, but the only one I don't like the smell on. 

I don't feel the need for the other two. These are cute and I'd say $9.99 is a fair price, but they're not something I'd buy a lot of. 

I wanted one of the big dolls, so my natural choice was Rory. 

Greta is on the back, making me wonder if she's an exclusive to somewhere. No sign of Maya. How are you going to leave her out? UGH. 

I'm a bit of a sucker for muffins/cupcakes with eyes. The little pop tart thingy, too. 

Here's Rory with one brushed pigtail and one gelled pigtail. I was going to brush both of them but after the snarls I ran into, I opted to wash the gel out first. 

The clothing does have fasteners in the back, but any slight movement of her limbs will pop them open. 

The big dolls really dwarf the little ones. 

$24.99 is overpriced for these. The hair isn't great quality. The clothing is all rubber so you can't even enjoy posing them well. For that price, at least make the shirt fabric if not both pieces. She's very cute, but yeah, I think overpriced. I'd still buy Greta or Maya if they made them like this though. 

Overall, they're a cute line but nothing that special. 


NEWS: Pixlings!

 Moose updated their site with a lot of awesome Pixling items! We know most of them, but there are some newbies and some (unnecessary) changes. 

The core Shimmerverse line is $17.99 each.


She's an "ice mermaid" now. Definitely prefer her to the original.


I think I prefer the original Faye, but I'm not quite sure.


Catlyn formerly Starla. I like Catlyn, so I'm not fussed about this change. I'm not sure which of these is my favorite, but it might be her. Or Marena.


I think she was just Phoenix before so this name change makes sense. Can't have Phoenix the phoenix. I like her a lot, but I wish they weren't afraid to use red. This color scheme is very similar to Flitta and the original Deerlee. 


Bearlinda is likely the new Flitta, so Walmart exclusive. She's the same $17.99 as the others. 

The Galaxy Hair dolls are $22.99 each.


Gorgeous but I prefer the original. Her outfit was so much better.


Here are the new name changes. Nebula is now Flyt. I don't hate Flyt, but Nebula was so much better. Flyt works better for a dragonfly, I guess, but she still has the spacey outfit. I'll likely call her both things. 


Who? Oh, you mean FIRENSA. This is the worst dumbing down of a name they've done yet. And that's saying a lot, because I thought changing Celeste to Unia was really bad. Pippa the Firehorse. UGH. No, this is Firensa. 


Pegacorn? No. That's a dragon with a horn and ass wings. They should have just invented a new name for whatever he is. 

There is also a quick flash of another doll in the Shimmerverse commercial. A rainbow-haired exclusive is mentioned, but if that's her, she just looks like a slightly fancier version of this Unia wearing an ill-fitting dress. 

The new Pixie Supremes line features much bigger dolls that are saddled with talking mirrors that jack up the price to $59.99. I could see one doll coming like this but TWO?! Not the best idea, Moose. 


Luna the butterfly is the one we've seen before. 


Oh, Skylar is also a butterfly. Sigh. This is apparently an exclusive. Skylar is touted as a deluxe, so she has an extra pair of shoes and an extra dress. Wonder if that means she'll be Target, because Wynter was the more deluxe Pixling. Skylar and Luna are essentially the same doll. Similar skintone, same head, same wings. Skylar has darker hair and a lighter dress, while Luna has lighter hair and a dark dress. Not a great move on Moose's part. If you're going to create another $60 doll, make her very different. I adore this line and even I'm not sure I'll buy both of these. 

Is it just me or are doll companies obsessed with the name Skylar right now? It's like the new Jade.

I saved the best for last! 

ANGELICA ($19.99):

The colorrrrrrrs! I LOVE HER. Angelica the golden angel is the holiday exclusive. Not sure where she'll be sold. Maybe Amazon will get this one if I'm right about Skylar being Target? I think she's going to be my new overall favorite. I am utterly in love with this color scheme and her entire design.  

I'm also pleased to see a 20-pack of the new mini Mixies. I'll buy that. It looks like the regular-sized Mixlings in the cauldrons are over for now. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

REVIEW: Rainbow High Littles Sapphire, Opal and Amethyst

The other Littles!

I had Sapphire ordered before, but the one I received had a bad eye. This is my replacement one. 

I wonder why they didn't try for a naming pattern. We've got three gemstones, two colors, and one flower. 

The actual Sapphire has clear rubberbands in her hair. Me being a dumbass did not realize her hair was pigtails and thought they were just holding the curls together, so I clipped them. If only I'd flipped the doll over before doing so. Her hair is very clearly pigtail rooted in the back. But I always have a box of bands near and these blue ones look even better.  

I had no idea this was supposed to be a yeti until I read it in the description for this doll. The Cutie Tooties yeti had horns. 

He's got a butt though! 

Sapphire is definitely young Skyler to me. 

I never would have thought I'd buy this one, but here we are. 

Her hair is wild. It's all gel, but I'm afraid she'll lose all the curl without it. 

So Amethyst I see as Violet's embarrassing little sister. She has zero clothing taste, goes around with messy hair, and I have no idea where her eyebrows have gotten to. 

Did I buy her for the poodle and the glittery boots? 


Oh, I hated this one initially. I could not stand that her hair twist things were so uneven.

Took one look at her in the package and fell in love. 

The hair is still gelled in these pics. It's not only the ends of the twists, but it's the flip, too. I washed it out after taking all these, but it was a struggle. I'm not sure I got it all. Actually, pretty sure I didn't. It's been years since I've met a gel so resistant to rinsing out. 

The thing about Opal is that she instantly reminded me of the gorgeous Color & Create from Series 1. I have her dressed all in white and she's got some serious Emma Frost going on. So maybe she can be Emma Raine, Amaya's older sis, and then Opal is the youngest sis. 

The unicorn is not my favorite, but he's cute. 

She IS my favorite though. Sorry, Indigo and baby Stella.

I stand by my opinion that these are cute for the price and appropriate for their specific target market. I'd buy more. Give me more little sisters from non-mainbow characters!

Almost forgot to post this group shot.  


REVIEW: Monster High Cleo 2.0

I'm not sure why Cleo was so far behind Frankie and Lagoona, but she's finally here. 

Honestly, I am not wowed by her. All these people kept saying she was so much better than the first sig and I simply do not see it. 

I don't hate her at all, but she's far from my favorite Cleo. 

HAIR: I think some people must just be swayed by the presence of bangs, but G3 bangs are bad more often than they're good. These were gelled unevenly and cut unevenly. I had to trim one side to even them out. I hate how they flare out on the side. Her hair is very pretty color-wise and I do like the streaks in the bangs, but the original sig Cleo has better hair. 

MAKEUP: I do love the blue lips, but I'd call makeup a draw. 

JEWELRY: I give the earring points to this Cleo's cartouches, even though the name is spelled wrong. Even misspelled, they're still more interesting. I prefer the original Cleo's headband to these barrettes though. Definitely adore the leg snake.

Accessory-wise, this new Cleo wins. The bag is a huge improvement. The pen and scroll are awesome. The sunglasses are better than the original pair. The heart in a jar is wonderful. I do wish they'd made it look like an Egyptian ib (heart) amulet, but this makes it clearer to the target audience. I'm a big fan of the original's canopic jar and Anubis phone, but overall, 2.0 Cleo has better accessories.  

Pets are a draw. I've always loved Hissette, but I adore Anubyss, too. 

She is super cute!

I do love that scroll.

The sunglasses are cute. I could maybe see them on another Cleo doll. 

Okay, clothing-wise, it's original Cleo all the way. I hate this top. It's horribly ill-fitting and the random poofy shoulders are a bizarre choice. I do like the tighter lower sleeves with the "bandages" and the blue strap. I like the black mini, but I hate covering it with the blue bit. Original Cleo had the crappy jacket, but it being a jacket, it could be left off. I can't leave her without this shirt. I did try other shirts on her but ended up back with this one. 

The heart ended up on my Cleo vanity. 

This is likely a controversial opinion, but I think original Cleo's bizarre boots are better than these shoes. Yeah, these are nice, but they're yet another pair of gold shoes. The canopic heels are the highlight and yeah, they're very awesome. Always good to see Duamutef. But otherwise, they're not impressive. 

A look at the barrettes. 

This is how mine ended up. Ditched the blue scarf thingy. Now you can see the neat print on the skirt. I used the backpack straps to flatten the shoulder poofs a bit. She's very pretty, but I am certainly Team Original Cleo. I think I'd like this one better redressed, but I didn't like anything else I paired with the skirt. I miss fashion packs. 


Saturday, June 15, 2024

REVIEW: Monster High Skulltimate Secrets 4 CLEO

Had to have Cleo, of course.

Here's the art. I took these two boxed pics before I got Abbey last night, but I wanted to review Abbey first. I opened her fully before I did Cleo. 

Love the glove color. 

I actually really like that skirt. The legwarmers probably should have matched the skirt or maybe been gold. This blue seems too light. 

Cleo donated her hangers to Abbey's closet. I did not keep Cleo's case. 

Another cute purse and again, I like the copper color for the brush. 

The shoes should have been copper on one part or the other. Too much light blue!

How she looks straight from the package. 

Brown hair!!! Love it. 

Ha, can you tell I was tired at this point? Yup. Lazy review. But it's not like better ones haven't been done ages ago. 

That skirt will possibly get matched with other pieces in the future. The stockings, legwarmers and shoes will never be seen again. 

I didn't even waste time with a photo of the headphones still intact. They squished her hair. 

SHE-RA SHE-RA! The breastplate definitely gives me She-Ra nostalgia. 

Unlike Abbey, Cleo keeps the skirt on, as I hated her stockings. I wouldn't want to cover her bandages anyway. 

I'm honestly surprised the headdress stays on as well as it does. Nice. 

Cleo and Abbey have some crime to fight. Or a big bad to face. Something involving evil. 

This line definitely made some weird choices, but hey, I love these dolls so that's all that matters to me. 

Tomorrow (maybe): 2.0 Cleo!