Wednesday, June 12, 2024

REVIEW: Rainbow High Littles Magenta, Daisy & Indigo

Yep, I bought the line everyone loves to hate. 

I'm ignoring the little sister storyline for the most part. They don't need little sisters that look just like them.

Magenta here isn't Magenta, though I do like the name. This is clearly young Stella. 


They're pretty easy to open. Untangling her hair was the hardest part. 

She's super cute, even with the slightly misprinted lips. 

Her hair is something. It looked a mess straight out of the box and I had to pull apart a bunch of curls to get it to mostly cover her scalp. I should probably condition her, but I don't want to lose the volume. 

The hair is nowhere near the quality of typical RH hair. It's pretty dry. 

Her coat is a separate piece and then the plastic top is attached to the fabric skirt. No mixing and matching for these girls. 

I pulled out only one of her arms because I didn't know if that flat hand was going to be a pain to put back through the sleeve, but it wasn't bad. 

The plastic top has a split and then the skirt closes with velcro. 


I'm not sure of the quality of them in the big dolls, as I haven't bought any. But as a collector of Cutie Tooties, these fit right in. I love the faceted bodies and pretty, translucent colors. 

So yeah, this is little Stella. 

Likewise, this is little Sunny. 

I didn't like Magenta's purse, but I do like Daisy's. 


The fingers on mine's right hand are bent. I'm thinking this will be a frequent flaw. But she can hold her purse with that hand. 

Cute hair. 

Again, dry, but better coverage than Magenta's. 

So shiny. 

Yeah, definitely little Sunny. 

Indigo, on the other hand, actually can be Krystal's sister. The different hair color makes it work better. 

Plus, Indigo is just a cool name. 

Her hair gave me a bit of trouble, because one of the plastic tabs was snagged through two of her braids, but I got it out without too much damage. At least they're hidden behind her head. 

The texture is cool. The braids lay pretty well, though there are some spots where the scalp coverage could be better. 

Her outfit is actually pretty much what I think of as indigo. I think she outdoes both versions of Krystal. 

Her shoes are incredibly cute. There's no way I was going to get a decent picture, but they're covered in butterflies. 

My fave of the pets. 

Super cute. 

There really is nothing here to complain about. You get a decent doll with an outfit, a purse and a pet for ten bucks. The hair isn't awful. The designs are cute. They're a nice affordable addition to the line and perfect for younger kids. 

Seriously, toys for younger kids are fine. Not having inset eyes and everything poseable is fine. 


1 comment:

  1. These are very cute, especially for the size. (Also I swear, the darn ki- I mean Collectors today are so spoiled. And kinda ignorant. At a certain size things just don't scale down. You gotta keep it simple. And that's good! Simple can be good! /tangent)
