Tuesday, June 18, 2024

REVIEW: Monster High Cleo 2.0

I'm not sure why Cleo was so far behind Frankie and Lagoona, but she's finally here. 

Honestly, I am not wowed by her. All these people kept saying she was so much better than the first sig and I simply do not see it. 

I don't hate her at all, but she's far from my favorite Cleo. 

HAIR: I think some people must just be swayed by the presence of bangs, but G3 bangs are bad more often than they're good. These were gelled unevenly and cut unevenly. I had to trim one side to even them out. I hate how they flare out on the side. Her hair is very pretty color-wise and I do like the streaks in the bangs, but the original sig Cleo has better hair. 

MAKEUP: I do love the blue lips, but I'd call makeup a draw. 

JEWELRY: I give the earring points to this Cleo's cartouches, even though the name is spelled wrong. Even misspelled, they're still more interesting. I prefer the original Cleo's headband to these barrettes though. Definitely adore the leg snake.

Accessory-wise, this new Cleo wins. The bag is a huge improvement. The pen and scroll are awesome. The sunglasses are better than the original pair. The heart in a jar is wonderful. I do wish they'd made it look like an Egyptian ib (heart) amulet, but this makes it clearer to the target audience. I'm a big fan of the original's canopic jar and Anubis phone, but overall, 2.0 Cleo has better accessories.  

Pets are a draw. I've always loved Hissette, but I adore Anubyss, too. 

She is super cute!

I do love that scroll.

The sunglasses are cute. I could maybe see them on another Cleo doll. 

Okay, clothing-wise, it's original Cleo all the way. I hate this top. It's horribly ill-fitting and the random poofy shoulders are a bizarre choice. I do like the tighter lower sleeves with the "bandages" and the blue strap. I like the black mini, but I hate covering it with the blue bit. Original Cleo had the crappy jacket, but it being a jacket, it could be left off. I can't leave her without this shirt. I did try other shirts on her but ended up back with this one. 

The heart ended up on my Cleo vanity. 

This is likely a controversial opinion, but I think original Cleo's bizarre boots are better than these shoes. Yeah, these are nice, but they're yet another pair of gold shoes. The canopic heels are the highlight and yeah, they're very awesome. Always good to see Duamutef. But otherwise, they're not impressive. 

A look at the barrettes. 

This is how mine ended up. Ditched the blue scarf thingy. Now you can see the neat print on the skirt. I used the backpack straps to flatten the shoulder poofs a bit. She's very pretty, but I am certainly Team Original Cleo. I think I'd like this one better redressed, but I didn't like anything else I paired with the skirt. I miss fashion packs. 



  1. This doll is very pretty (As always, Cleo don't miss.) but I think I agree that OG G3 Cleo is better. I think a lot of people were turned off by the relatively simple dress on that one, ignoring everything else that was great about her. Which is kinda ironic, because for me one of the issues with this doll is that the clothes are a smidge too complicated. (Still think I'll go for Monster Fest for my own Cleo doll this Gen.)

    1. Monster Fest Cleo is basically perfection!
