Wednesday, July 10, 2024

REVIEW: Barbie Dream Besties Renee & Brooklyn

My first two Dream Besties arrived from Walmart. I was so happy Renee was the first available! I actually ordered one separately, then ordered a second along with Brooklyn so I could choose the best one. However, my original Renee seems stuck in Charlotte's FedEx facility and hasn't moved since Saturday, so I'll likely be reporting that to Walmart and getting my money back. I'm very thankful this one is good! 

She looks sloppy in her box though. Her top is loose and her hair is curling around in front. 

These were in a very similar box style to the new Descendants. Pretty easy to open. 

Renee likes travel and food. 

Then we have Barbie. 

So I guess she and the blonde are both Barbie, but this one is from Brooklyn and the blonde is from Malibu? I dunno. I haven't watched anything Barbie in eons. (I still have not see the live action movie, but I swear I will.) 

It's a weird concept that seems unnecessary and confusing. 

And it's also rather problematic, because Barbie here lists her fave color as pink. 

The only pink on the doll is some of her tinsel. 

She's got a pink phone case is pink her fave color and she doesn't get to wear it? Because blonde Barbie is? That's...not okay. 

Gah, that's so cute. 

Can anyone name another doll line where the East Asian girl is the tallest one? I feel like this is the first. Granted, height differences in dolls is still fairly new, but that still can't be common. I love it. 

I'm used to MH-level accessories, so these feel a bit cheap to me. They're not awful, but the phones keep popping out of their cases (for both dolls). 

The purse is my favorite piece of Renee's. It opens. If she's going to vlog about food though, she needs to expand her tastes a lot. 

Her outfit is cute and well-made. 

The boots are a bit plain, but this is Barbie not MH, so I get it. 

She's so cute!

Articulation is at the typical places: neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips and knees. Her knees don't do the rotation thing some other dolls have, but her hips swivel out a bit to compensate. 

The earrings do not come out. Like they won't budge. I have a feeling kids might break those. Same thing with her necklace. It's really fragile considering everything else is quite sturdy. 

Her bangs needed de-gelling, but otherwise, her hair is nice. 

She has lavender streaks with matching tinsel in the back. Mine also has a tiny lavender streak in her bangs. 

With her food. 

I like this idea, but I just don't see my Renee carrying this stuff around. 

Definitely very likely will remain my favorite of the line. 

I can't help it. She reminds me of Musa. 

Love that she's tall. 

I really like the faces and the bodies. 

Clothing is decent quality, though the fragility of the earrings and necklace is questionable for the target market, as is the inability to remove the earrings. 

The accessories are really the worst part. I don't see myself doing anything with them. 

Moving on to Brooklyn. I'm not calling her Barbie. 

Her accessories are also just okay. I do love the puppy. She's super cute. But that unpainted ugly boom box is completely hollow in the back. Do better, Mattel. 

That's kind of cute except the phone keeps popping out. 

Those sleeves are hair magnets! Ugh. 

I like the definition of the rubber legwarmers, though I'm less of a fan of them being attached to the heels. 

Brooklyn went on a bit of a hair journey. I hated her hairstyle. Asymmetrical pigtails just look like a toddler trying to do her hair for the first time. But her hair is very much in favor of staying in that style, so nothing else I tried from pigtails to ponytails looked right. I ended up just conditioning her and combing it all back. I like it. It's sort of like a tinsel rainbow waterfall. 

That tinsel though. Expect it to shed. 

Like Renee, her earrings do not come out, although they move more than Renee's do. At least they're much sturdier. 


I do plan on doing some facial comparisons with EAH once I get all four dolls. 

I can't decide if I want to keep the jacket on or not. I like how she looks in just the white tank, but that's also really plain, so I'm not sure. 

Hands do pop off and wrist pegs are thick and sturdy like MH. 


Brooklyn is a gorgeous doll. I'm not a huge fan of the outfit and definitely hated the silly hairstyle, but she ended up looking really pretty. I might play around with outfits on these girls once I get all four. 

I also will tackle more body comparisons once I get all four. 

These two have the same torso, but Renee's legs are longer. 

Renee is a little taller than an RH doll. 

Further comparisons to come!

I think this is a cute line, though I wish they'd put more effort into the accessories. It feels younger-skewed than MH thanks to the simplicity of some pieces, but especially the quality of the accessories. The dolls themselves are fine and the clothing is good quality, though again, younger-skewed. And that's fine!

They remind me of Barbie meets Ever After High meets My Scene, but for a younger age group than the latter two. 

Really hope they do a Midge!


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