Monday, July 22, 2024

New Passport Friends!

I could not believe when this girl turned up in my ebay alerts. I imported her from Australia and she arrived a couple days ago. 

So this is the Asian Passport Friends character. The seller called her Beijing, so I'm going with that, too. It was pretty clear she was from China and being that the other girls are named for locations, Beijing makes sense. 

Like Manhattan, my only other doll from this line, she came without shoes, so she's got a pair of old Evergirl shoes on. 

Her outfit and one ribbon are stock. The seller redid her other bun, but it has no ribbon. I may add one, I may not. 

The hair on this line seems pretty rough, but it's not awful. 

Manhattan is thrilled to have a friend join her. (She does have two shoes, I swear.)

Passport Friends is one of the hardest to find lines that I own. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have two, including one of my two favorites (Beijing and Rome). I think they're very cute and wish I'd known about them when they came out. I would have bought them all. 


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