Monday, September 2, 2024


I don't remember how in the ebay I got back into Moxie Teenz. Probably searching something else and I was drawn in. I used to love these girls but only had a few, and the only one from Series 3 I had was Gavin. I had forgotten I even owned him until recently. All my original dolls are gone, but I've been peeking at them for a few months and I could not resist this stunning Leigh when I saw her. 

I vaguely remember liking her when she was released, but I'm not sure I ever saw her in stores. 

Here you can see some of the glory days of the MGAE promo photo fakeout. She doesn't have the gloves, purse, bracelet, ring or long earrings featured in her images. She does have tiny stud earrings and the long necklace. 

I didn't do the two different looks photos here. The skirt change is just taking two ribbons that are on the underside and looping them over buttons at her waist to make the front part of the dress shorter. It doesn't look elegant. It looks like she's hiking her skirt up to climb stairs or step over a puddle.  

Nitpicking aside, she's a stunning doll. All the missing accessories would have been nice, but she's still gorgeous without them. Though I really do like the gloves...

Moxie Teenz were a wigged line for the first two series, but this formal third line was rooted. 

Leigh's got some Belle vibes. 

Their range of motion pales in comparison to current articulated dolls, but they were good for their time. 

Yeah, I definitely need all 3 Tristens, Series 2 Arizona, and formal Bijou and Melrose now, but I'm absolutely thrilled to have Leigh as my first new Moxie Teen in over a decade. 


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