Saturday, August 24, 2024


It was so great to come home from a rough workday to get to open these tiny cuties. 

I ordered a case of the Rainbow Brite micro figures from Big Bad Toy Store. I also ordered SSC, which are in a different post. 

Each case has 12 packs of 2 figures, so 24 figures total. 

They are truly blind. I couldn't find any markings of any sort that would be codes. They're also packaged in tiny black plastic bags, so seeing through them is impossible. 

I have not photographed them in the order I pulled them out, but I will be listing my case placement. 

Each case seems to have the full common character set, plus 2 rare, 1 ultra rare, and 7 doubles of common characters. Being that there are multiple rares and ultra rares, each case may very well be different. 

TOP layer of 6 packs:

Left Front: Stormy, Lucky Sprite (green)

Left Middle: Lala Orange, Canary Yellow

Left Back: Stormy (double), Lucky Sprite (double)

Right Front: Indigo, Murky (Ultra Rare)

Right Middle: Tickled Pink (Rare), Champ Sprite (blue)

Right Back: Hammy Sprite (purple), Sunriser (Rare)  
BOTTOM layer of 6 packs:

Left Front: Red Butler, Shy Violet

Left Middle: Lala Orange (double), Hammy Sprite (double)

Left Back: Patty O' Green, Rainbow Brite

Right Front: Spark Sprite (yellow), Starlite

Right Middle: Champ Sprite (double), Indigo (double)

Right Back: Canary Yellow (double), Buddy Blue

Red Butler, Lala Orange, Canary Yellow, Patty O' Green, Buddy Blue, Indigo, Shy Violet

Rainbow Brite, Starlite, Tickled Pink, Sunriser, Stormy


My favorites! 

Lala, Indigo and Stormy are always my favorites. I love Shy Violet here. She's so cute. And Murky is surprisingly adorable. 

I'm not sure I want any of the ones I'm missing, although Murky's cuteness kinda makes me want Lurky to go with him. I don't really need Twink, as I have the 5 Below version, or Puppy Brite, though both are cute. 

If you want the full set, the cheapest way is probably to just buy a case and then look for the three you'll be missing online. 

These are my available doubles. I have extra Sprites thanks to the SDCC pack. I'm keeping my doubles of my three favorites, so they're not pictured. 


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