Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Gingerbread Cookie is a brown version of Kirsteen, who's one of my big favorites. He's soft and cuddly like she is. 

OMG, tiny little Piggledy! He's got the sweetest little face and might just be my favorite CB in this mini size. 

For someone that has pink pretty far down a list of fave colors, I have an awful lot of pink bears. I think I have at least 20. So it's no small thing for me to say Rose Moon is my new favorite pink bear. (Like the majority of her fur is pink. Otherwise, my fave would be Kirsteen.)

I've been looking forward to this guy ever since I saw him months ago. He's adorable. He reminds me a little bit of a modern Kuma, who's one of my fave older bears. 

I was lucky enough to grab Festoon when she popped up for sale. I love her bright pink more than I expected to. While I'll always prefer the darker dragons, she's going to be a lovely pop of color on my shelves.

The last of the planet bears is finally here! I fell hard for this Pluto and his wide eyes. He might even be cuter than Jupiter and Neptune. My stockist once again picked the perfect necklace for him. 

WHAT A FACE. I fell for this guy instantly and was thrilled that I ended up with him. (IIRC I had second pick.) I don't think there's a happier face on my CB shelves. He's big, but not heavily stuffed, so he's super cuddly. More like a regular plushie than a CB. Some of the Bearhouse are stuffed like this, while others are really sturdy. Highly recommend!


This stubby tail!

Definitely a good couple months for bears and I've got more to look forward to.

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