Thursday, August 20, 2020

REVIEW: Hatchimals Pixies Minis


 All right, sadly, this is not going to be one of my better reviews, because this line had an unexpected feature that I didn't realize until it was too late. 

The Hatchimals mini pixies appear to be a blind-packed line, but they ARE NOT. 

If you buy all 10 different packs, you will get the complete set. 

Each visible character comes with the same blind character. 

These run around $5 per pack, so for $50, you've got all 20. It's really not bad at all!

I've got photos of 8 of the 10 packs here. The other two have the firefly with the half-shaved pink hair and black hat (Heidi) and the butterfly with lavender pigtails and peach shoes (Esme).

Each pack comes with 1 firefly and 1 butterfly. The fireflies are in lavender eggs and the butterflies in pink. 

Here are the fireflies in checklist order.

TOP: Hollie, Heidi, Veronica, Vanessa

MIDDLE: Mila, Mika, Zaya, Zanya

BOTTOM: Tabby, Thea

As you can see, they're in pairs that are recolors of the same mold with similar names. 

Here are the different wings. These are removable and interchangeable. 

The fireflies supposedly have glow in the dark wings. 

More wings. 

I like Zanya's black wings best. 

(To the surprise of no one.)

Now for the complete butterflies. 

TOP: Ava, Ambra, Lillian, Leah

MIDDLE: Delilah, Delia, Bira, Brenna (I swapped these two. They're in the opposite order on the checklist.)

BOTTOM: Esme, Ellie 

More wings. 

The butterflies have glittery wings. 

And more wings. 

Each pack also contains a blind bag, which has a set of big wings in it. These are in two different styles. The ones on the fireflies on the bottom are theirs, and the ones on the butterflies on top are theirs. 

The golden wings on Mika are the rare ones. I opened all the different wings except the gold butterfly set. 

And finally, here are my favorites! 

Veronica is by far my #1. I adore her. 

Then Heidi and Zanya, Vanessa and Ava. 

I'm sorry I didn't notice the pairings being set earlier, but I can tell you that Heidi and Ava come together, and Esme and Tabby. 

Thanks to PixWitch, we've got a list of pairings. I'll list the visible pixie first and go in order of the ones in my packaged photos at the top.

Vanessa + Lillian

Thea + Brenna

Delilah + Mila

Ellie + Zanya

Mika + Bira

Leah + Hollie

Ambra + Veronica

Zaya + Delia

Heidi + Ava

Esme + Tabby



  1. I threw together a list of which pixies go with who if you'd like.

    1. I have an image mocked up to match the pixies, but I see you can't comment images.

      Hollie - Leah
      Heidi - Ava
      Veronica - Ambra
      Vanessa - Lillian
      Mila - Deliliah
      Mika - Bira(Blonde with pink tips)
      Zaya - Delia
      Zanya - Ellie
      Tabby - Esme
      Thea - Brenna(Blue hair purple tips)

      I'm 99.9% sure those are correct.

    2. Oh, thanks! That's helpful. I'm pretty sure I do remember opening Brenna with Thea, who I opened first.
