Wednesday, August 14, 2024

REVIEW: Cup O' Style

My two recent Walmart orders have been struggling, but I got one of my four Cup O' Styles that I ordered. (Only a day late. We'll see how the other package does.)

There is a code stamped on the bottom of the cup. Everything is all white, so it's not easy to see or photograph, but it's there and I was able to see it through the outer plastic wrap, although that does make it harder. I'll put the code stuff at the end of this review.

I went through the reveal process, though not the poking around with chopsticks part. I'm going to skip it next time. I didn't like that the fabric shorts got wet. The doll is plastic, so it doesn't really matter, but I still don't like to wet my doll clothes unless I'm cleaning them. And it will be easier to keep track of the tiny pieces without the water involved. Cute idea though. 

I also didn't do anything with the umbrella on the stands. I honestly only care about the doll. Again, cute, but that's not for me. 

I'm glad I got Saki. She's adorable. 

She comes with a little phone, Gameboy, purse, and sunglasses. 

Sunglasses on. 

I wish one of her hands was a little more grasping. She can't hold any of her accessories. 

She's so cute that it doesn't really matter though. 

The hair is definitely reminiscent of the Hairdorables Shortcuts. Just Play is throwing these echoes of Hairdorables at us with this hair and the packaging for the upcoming Adoorbs dolls. I miss Hairdorables, but I don't miss the blind aspect, so I'm thrilled these have codes. 

Overall, I really like her. She's got the cutest little face. Everything about the doll herself is a fun design. My only nitpicks are that I wish she could hold an accessory and I wish the clothes didn't get wet during the reveal. I hope my other package arrives soon. Come on, UPS. 


One more picture to stick beside the code talk. 

As I mentioned, the code is stamped into the bottom of the cup. My friend linked me to a post on Reddit where someone provided three codes. So thank you to Puzzleheaded_Art_991 for those. 

I can confirm Saki was the same code as what was posted there, so these are likely accurate. The aren't in order at all, so there's no way to guess the other three, but at least we've got something!




1 comment:

  1. Saki is amazing. Then again, I like this color combination and the sakura theming.
