Sunday, August 23, 2020

REVIEW: Cave Club Rockelle



I pre-ordered the Cave Club Rockelle set on Amazon with the release date of mid-October. 

Amazon's been screwy with their release guesstimates lately, because she shipped quickly. 

This set costs $39.99.

Cute art!

Here's a closeup of the accessories. 

I have no intention of opening the dinosaur, so this is just a review of the doll. 

If you'd be interested in buying just the dino from me, please let me know. I may put her on ebay on Wednesday or Thursday if no one's interested.

My first thought when deboxing her was "Oh, crud, she's got the Fernessa hair." 


I brushed it and it just exploded into dry-ended volume. 

So she's in the salon now. Not that that helped poor Fernessa. 

She is SO cute though. I love her color combination and everything about her outfit. 

She has purple and yellow streaks on each side of her head. 

I love how they look in the crimped mohawk part. 

And the yellow is also on the underside of her hair. 

She's super cute, but I really wish they'd improve the hair quality. 



  1. Love her color scheme. Looking forward to this set.

    I'm a little scared for the sales and advertising for this line. I know Mattel is all about sales for continuing their doll lines, but they should pump up their campaign on this. They had some fun things on their Instagram and YouTube, but I don't know if it is enough. I don't want these to end up being cancelled. I'm really loving this fun, colorful line of dolls and accessories.

    1. Yeah, I love them a lot, too! I hope they make Ruly.
