Wednesday, May 31, 2023

REVIEW: LOL OMG Fierce Cleopatra

I refused to pay $100 for this doll. I was a bit annoyed with the blurb on the back, which almost alluded to the doll BEING Cleopatra, and that held me off on purchasing, because this is nothing like a historical doll, so why would they even? I saw her in TJ Maxx for $60 and after seeing her in person, I knew I wanted one because she was pretty, but I still refused to pay full price. Or even $60. I bided my time and got her on Amazon for $43.95. That I'm content with. 

Upon another reading, the blurb is still a bit odd. But whatever. MGAE aren't the most humble company in existence. 

The back of the box is pretty awesome. 

And the front is boring in comparison, so she was definitely coming out of there. 

Free from the bigger box pieces. 

Now almost instantly, I knew there was a massive design flaw here. Someone with apparently zero practicality decided to make those arm cuffs both out of softer plastic AND slit. They will not stay on. 

If you're going to do arm cuffs, they need to either be harder plastic with a slit OR they need to be softer plastic but a solid piece so they slide up the arm and stay there. The softer rubber helps it cling in place. But you can't use stretchy soft rubber and have it slit. These are so wide open they fall off if her arms aren't in permanent adoration mode. Not a good design quality for a $100 doll. 

Her hair is minorly gelled, but I didn't bother removing it. It's squished under her headband anyway. 

I love her face, minor makeup imperfections and all. 

Ah, yes, the bob haircut. Behold this rarity of the doll world. (Sigh.) 

I love the braids, but if you have both moved forward, they block the earrings and that's unacceptable. 

The gorgeous earrings are my favorite detail. 

The denim kilt is not remotely a favorite. White. This would have looked awesome in white. 

I like the shoes more than I expected to. 

This thing is enormous!

The elastic seemed a bit small, but it worked okay. I took off her headband and earrings and it went right on. I was nervous about removing the earrings, but they turned out to be quite easy to handle. 

*adoration noises*

Really sticks out in the back, too.

And that is it. 

Overall, I like the doll, but she's not a $100 doll. No way. I'm glad I got one for less than half price. Some details are nice, but the complete failure of the arm cuffs is pretty deplorable. 

I'm naming mine Nefertari. I'm tired of everyone always using Cleopatra. She wasn't even Egyptian, y''all. Come on. Stop obsessing over her. 

After these photos, she joined my shrine space in the center and she looks awesome there with my other Egyptian dolls. (That aren't MH. Cleo and Nefera are with the other MHers.)


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