Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pretty Little Pups COMPLETE!

I am overjoyed to finally be able to say I have all twelve Pretty Little Pups. A kind, generous Instagrammer offered me the last one I needed recently, and I spent some time cleaning everyone up before taking these pics. 

So these are some of the first ones I got in childhood. These came out in 1989 and they were pretty cheap, which is why I ended up with so many. 

Peppi, Doxie, Trixie and Scotti. 


There on the left is my newest one. So excited to have him. The other three are my other childhood ones. 

Snowball, Alphie, Boomer and Spanky. (The names. Sigh.)

These are the other four I've acquired in adulthood. 

Speckles on the left I got years ago. Puffy the pink one I got in 2021 and Gidget and Bobo in 2022. 

Speckles, Gidget, Puffy and Bobo. 

I consider my collection complete, even though they're far from pristine. I would love a carded one someday, but that's icing on the cake. 

One more of Snowball, because look at that hair. 


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