Friday, July 26, 2024

REVIEW: Monster High Fearbook Toralei

Always excited for another short-haired Toralei. 

All her musician stuff. 


This is definitely the doll I'm putting with the Hissfits. The Hissfits one can go stand with my Monster Ball dolls. 

I get why they don't do full stockings, as the shoes would typically make them rip, but I kept having to adjust hers, so they could have been more fitted at the bottom to help keep them in place. 

I washed the gel out of her hair. 

I kept seeing people make Karen jokes about this doll. This is NOT a Karen haircut. It's simply a bob. The Karen is a very specific style and most short cuts are nothing like it. 

I'm not sure if she's my favorite Toralei or if it's still Neon. 

Her guitar strap is a little too long, but she can make it work. 

Definitely love this doll. Fearbook is a great line that I'd love to see continue. I would have gotten Laura, too, if I didn't have waaaaaaay too many of her. Maybe on sale...


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