Sunday, May 21, 2023

REVIEW: Monster High Clawd

Clawd arrived from Amazon today. 

While I do like him in the show, I'm not a fan of how they did his doll. Getting rid of his facial hair was not a good move. 

Box art showing how visible his ears should be. 

First though, here's Rockseena! I adore her. Definitely one of the cutest G3 pets yet. 

Bag, sunglasses and jersey. 

Bottle, snacks and wolfy phone. 

Here is Clawd straight out of the box. His hair looked big in the promos, but it's even bigger on the final product. You can't see his ears at all! 

He would have been so much cuter with the goatee. 

Aside from too much hair, there's also the issue of his ears being...glued on? I'm hoping there's more of an attachment there than just glue, but I'm not investigating. 

I got the scissors out and made sure I could see Clawd's ears.


He's much cuter now. Why would you make a wolf character and hide his ears? 

Jersey on. 

Just the tank from under the jacket. I like this design. 

His bag is boring though. Like he's going to drag a gym bag around school to all his classes. 

I almost left him in the tank only, but I love that moon on the jacket. 

I'm happy he was pretty easy to trim, though I'm still not thrilled with the lack of facial hair, the thinning of his brows, and his eye shape in general. Clawd on the show is really cute, but the doll just isn't nearly as cute. I got him mostly because I want to support the boy dolls. I'd like them to get to Heath, Manny and Gil. Maybe Finnegan if they ever give him an actual character. 


1 comment:

  1. He's cute. I actually really like his accessories, but then again, they recreated and Monster-fied my favorite snack (Teriyaki jerky. Same brand, even.), so that was a given. But yeah, once more a pity he's pretty different from his animated counterpart.
