Wednesday, February 24, 2021

REVIEW: Cave Club Ruly

Okay, I'm going to say right off the bat that my opinions on Ruly may be controversial. I have very mixed feelings on this doll. If you have to leave comments about my opinions, please keep it civil, because I tried to explain this as best I can. (Though I know there are plenty of people who always want to think the worst, so I know they will.)

Ruly is one of two new Cave Club characters that appeared in doll form recently. Lumina, who I posted about before, is sadly not out yet. (Can't wait!)

Ruly was on Amazon and I was lucky enough to grab one. She even arrived a day early. 

Now my issue with this doll is that her character was in the first Cave Club graphic novel. 

But, aside from the outfit, she looks nothing like this doll. 

This is the Ruly I've known for months. She was visible in the previews of the second (sadly unreleased) graphic novel, so I've known she looked like this for almost a solid year. 

You can imagine my surprise when I saw the doll then. 

My camera didn't capture the colors perfectly, but you can see that her skintone is much lighter than the doll's. It's a really pretty olive tone. Her hair is also at least half yellow (not shown best in this pic). And she's wearing shorts. 

Here's the art of her. 

So we're going to move on with the review and I'll give some comments on the changes as I go. 

Her accessories include her comb, a computer (how is this logical?), a cute green bag the computer can fit in, her glasses, and her pet, whose name is THESAURUS. (I'm dead.)

Now first off, I'm going to make it clear that I do really love this doll. She's gorgeous. I think she has the second best hair in the line and possibly the best outfit. 

She has pi on her cheek. ADORABLE.

I don't actually mind the changes to the hair except for the loss of the yellow. I didn't care for the giant hair bow from the comic, so the bigger bow with a pencil through it and the giant topknot of curls are a nice upgrade. 

I love these curls. Only Bashley has better hair so far. 

I just really wish they'd kept the yellow. We already have a dark-skinned girl with pink hair. This is kind of a peachy salmon pink, but it's still pink. 

Gah, I love the sundial watch and the bowtie and the suspenders! I have to say I'm not a fan of them changing her shorts to a skirt though. It's not awful, but I'm always in favor of more shorts and pants when skirts are so prevalent. 

With her glasses. I thought these were a little much at first, but they're growing on me by the second. 

Back to full-length, now with the bag. 

Her overall look is great. 

But herein lies my biggest problem. We already have a dark-skinned girl with pink hair. Ruly is actually darker than Fernessa and yes, she has different hair texture and eye color and lip shape, but the similarity is still very obvious. 

Here are the dolls together. 

And here are the girls together in the comic. Every one of them has a different skintone. I love Ruly's skintone. Like a lot. It's not one you see often in doll lines, which is why I was very much looking forward to her getting a doll. 

I think they could have easily done the curly hair with the yellow in it and the olive skintone. She would have looked fine and added more diversity  to the line. Or they should have at least left the yellow in her hair to avoid this resemblance to Fernessa. Or, even better, they could have made Ruly look like the design we knew and given us another new character with this darker skintone (and not pink hair). The dark tone is absolutely lovely and in any other case, I wouldn't even consider criticizing it. I want to make that crystal clear if it isn't. But in this particular case, I don't think these changes were their best idea.

Again, don't think I dislike the doll. I like her more every second I look at her. She's just not the Ruly I knew and I don't think the changes were for the better. 

I do wonder if the changes to her are why the graphic novels never made it. The first one is out of stock everywhere and the second never made it out. Could they have decided to change Ruly and pulled the books so they could change the art? It's a possibility. There were obvious delays in Rainbow High while they retooled the character who would eventually become Krystal. 

I want to end on the most positive note I can think of and that is LOOK AT THESAURUS. JUST LOOK AT HIM. THAT HAIR. 



  1. I personally find this whole situation weird. Of course characters change in development, but that does really mess with fan expectations. Here, it's certainly Mattel's fault for putting out in-congruent material.

    At least there's some hope that they might have just kicked the can down the road in coming up with a character with that unique skin tone (Comic Ruly looks like a mid-point between of Tella and Roaralai), but this overall thing is just weird. I also wish she had the shorts, just because it seems like a cute look.

    I always wonder how dolls in online stores are shipped. In stores there's always a case that dictates which dolls you'll get. I'm assuming the new cases will be a mix of the Fernessa Variant with the brooch, Bashley, Rockelle, Lumina and Ruly (five dolls just like the original set).

  2. Great post. Maybe they should have made her in Ferrah's color? I don't know. I love her too and thank you for posting this.

    Either make her much darker if they were going to do this change or keep her in the original color. But like Lysonder said, maybe we'll get it down the line. Honestly, I'm overjoyed for more of the line.

    Any news if we're ever going to see the rest of the sleep over theme in the states?

    1. I'm glad for more characters myself! I really wasn't sure if the line would continue at all past the first round.

      I haven't heard anything about the sleepover line aside from Tella. I know she's available.

  3. That was an odd choice to change her, but her face is cute as heck. I want to take her hair down and cut and style it. Maybe because I'm black and I don't follow the comics, I prefer the doll version, but I totally understand why someone familiar with the character wouldn't like the changes.

    1. Yeah, I was just so hopeful for that olive tone. Argh. I do love the doll a lot. I would have adored this design if I hadn't ever read the comic. Then again, the skintone is honestly the one change that makes the most sense. The others make less sense. Why change shorts into a skirt when you have other dolls in the line in shorts or pants? There can be both. And why get rid of the yellow in her hair? It would have looked good with this skintone. Ah, confusing yet adorable Ruly.

  4. Hello. I had high expectations of this doll. I saw it in the intro of the first episode of the Cave Club series, which would be taken from the comic I imagine. Having her cream colored hair removed ... is a disappointment! It's like another Fernessa now.

    And not only that, I´m angry with the direction that Cave Club is taking. I don't think even Mattel knows what style to give the series. It is the fourth time the design has been changed. And the same has just happened with the dolls: Fernessa's necklace and leg warmers have been changed, Roaralai's magnificent makeup for cat whiskers and even her fanny pack, Emberly's necklace and hair bow ... even Slate ! that the teeth on his necklace have turned from white to green. I mean, what are the real basic dolls now? The first or these reissues? For collectors like me this sucks.

    1. I think the problem isn't that they don't know what they're doing, but that something has made them change their minds about certain aspects. As a friend pointed out last night when we were discussing this, the elements they're removing are all the bones and teeth. Now I don't get this at all, but clearly someone must have bitched about it. Bones and teeth have been used as ornamentation throughout the world for millennia and I think including them in the line was a nice nod to realism (one of the few there is!). It's not like the practice only belongs to one people so there's no one who should be on about cultural appropriation. But for some reason, Mattel decided those elements were bad and so they've updated the sig dolls to reflect that. I don't plan on rebuying any except maybe Fernessa. I think she actually looks better. But Roaralai definitely does not!

    2. I was just thinking about this too as I didn't notice it until I kept on looking for the newer dolls. I am guessing that since this line is geared to a certain demographic, that demographic isn't buying the line. I understand that we, collectors, will buy certain things we like no matter what, but I don't believe the line was doing well and that could be a reason why they're going into more "cutesy" style. And I'm okay with it as long as we get more dolls. I mean, They changed the webisodes style like 3 times now? I can't keep up. Hahahaha
