Okay, strap yourselves in. This is gonna be a long one.
So I pre-ordered Hairdorables from both Walmart and Amazon. (I also picked up two from sellers on ebay because I have zero patience.) I saw a photo of a kid in Walmart by a big endcap display of them, so I decided this morning to look at the website and check the pick up times for my local stores. Both my closest ones were still the same, but the farther store I hate to go to said TODAY.
I called to ask if they were out and was told no, so I asked if I did the pick up option would it work. The guy didn't know, so I tried it.
And it worked.
So there's me at Walmart early this morning, picking up my 3 dolls and then going to the back, where I found the giant endcap.
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they put it out because of my order, not that it was there and the dude on the phone lied. Because only my 3 were missing from the display.
I had my original 3 from the online order, then got another 2 and my mom grabbed 2.
Out we go with seven dolls. I figured my odds were pretty good to at least get one of the four characters I really, really wanted.
(Spoiler: They were not.)
At Walmart, these girls are $12.88. Amazon is the same right now. Target is $12.99.
The boxes are really quite sizeable.
Like there's a lot of effort put into this packaging.
So the first step to opening this is removing the clear plastic sleeve wrapped around the entire box. You can sort of see it in the first pic. that thing is wound inside the box. They really made these hard to cheat and tell which doll is inside, because that's only the beginning.
Then you zip the perforated strip. Also visible in the top pic. Then you can see the two halves of the box, which are held together with velcro.
And I forgot to take a pic of that. Sorry.
The box unfolds into a lefthand side with little numbered spaces, a righthand side where the doll is, and a middle cute backdrop that even has a bit that folds down to make a "floor."
The lefthand side contains four pods. Three are smaller and the fourth is the big one on the left there.
The first pod holds a comb and sticker.
The second is shoes and a sticker that turns into a phone.
The third and fourth each have an accessory and a sticker.
Oh, and the pamphlet thing is in the back of the box. It slid out with the clear plastic sleeve on every one of these I opened.
So your 11 surprises are:
1) doll
2) comb
3) shoes
4) accessory
5) accessory
6-9) stickers
10) character card
11) pamphlet
There's the adorable doll side of the box open. You peel that and reveal your doll.
She's sitting in this little plastic dolly coffin bit.
Behind there is actually more art. You could, with some skill at not ripping things impatiently (I do not have this skill), turn this into a little playset.
Oh, the character card is a thicker piece of cardboard that sits behind the doll.
So that's the box and how to open it. Now let's see who I got.
Kali Coder |
I'm going to show Kali Coder first, even though both of these were the last two I opened. Way to go, Walmart employees. You picked me two of the same doll.
Except...she isn't quite the same.
As you can see, my Kalis look almost alike, except for the print on the dress, which of course will vary, and THE BOOTS.
At first I thought those green boots were from another doll, but they do not appear to be.
So watch for variants! I actually prefer the green version.
Her hair is so fun and curly.
So over here on the right, you can see her robo dog, red braid comb, and character card. In the front are the little sticker sheet, phone sticker and two doll stickers.
The doll stickers do vary, even with the same doll. My two Kali Coders had different stickers.
Of the 14 doll stickers I got, only 5 different designs appeared, though I have a feeling there are more.
Cutie Kali |
May as well do the other Kali I got next. I think I opened her fourth.
The hair on these girls is really extremely nice. Soft, silky, not cheap-feeling at all. The outfit is cute. I'm not a huge fan of socks with sandals (like I actually despise it), but she somehow makes it work...ish.
This Kali has a blue heart barrette with a pink curly extension, a hoverboard and a pink winged heart comb.
She's really cute, although I wish she fit on the hoverboard better!
Brilliant Brit |
Brit was the second one I opened. Now I like Brit, but I don't really like this particular one. I like the braided one or the ponytail one.
The pigtails are cute, but this outfit is not and once again, here are socks with sandals, only it's worse this time. Her pant legs are so tight I had to jam them up to make the shoes fit underneath. Otherwise, the sock tops look way too wide.
The top and jacket are one piece, but the pants are separate.
Her accessories are a water bottle and pink hair extension.
Here's all her stuff. She has the same braided comb as Kali coder, but in dark purple. It's much darker than it photographed.
Kat Walk |
Let's move on to Kat! Kat was the first one I opened and I was happy, because I really like Kat and this is the one of her I wanted most. Although that may be just because I haven't seen a good photo of the curly pigtails one.
Kat has an aqua bow comb, her dog and a frisbee. Both dog and frisbee can easily be held.
She's so super cute. I love the blush pink color of her hair and how well it goes with that shade of blonde.
Top and pants are separate.
Another angle.
I saw the pompom shoes and I thought this was pigtail signature Kat. I was so happy to see it was this one.
Close up. She's got a little lip damage, but I don't even care.
I love her burgundy eyes.
Kat is secretly a vampire!
Rayne Bow |
The third one I opened was Rayne Bow, the signature look for Rayne.
She's pretty cute, but I like the curly pigtail one a lot better.
I do like the rainbow hair streaks and the dress a lot. I mean, honestly, she is really cute. I just like a lot of the others better.
Her accessories are a rainbow and cloud blue hair extension and that giant lollipop.
Which she holds very well.
I have much larger dolls that can't hold their accessories. Well done, Just Play.
Her rose and leaves comb is lovely. I adore red. And I only just now noticed that this comb has two different sides. The one in the picture has a little bow and on the other side, it's a regular flower. (Cutie Kali's pink comb is also more detailed on one side.)
Willow Waves |
Saved the best for last! Who in the world would ever think I would say Willow was the best one?
I honestly thought it was Kat from this bunch, but the more I look at them, it's Willow.
She is so not my type really, but she's so cute that it doesn't even matter.
That purse! Adorable!
Her hair is phenomenal.
The wintery boots are very cute.
I love the iridescent skirt on the dress, too.
She's just really well-done. Maybe not as detailed as others, but she's great. Kids are going to go nuts for this one.
So that about wraps things up. I did not do a nude or height comparison photo. I will likely do that for my next review on these (because I have more coming). They're about the size of a Shoppie, if that helps.
I would like to say that you can expect doubles though. Definitely expect doubles. My friend and I bought 11 between us and we got 3 Rayne Bows, 2 Kali Coders and 2 Cutie Kalis. Only 7 different dolls out of 11 total.
I think these girls are going to be the next big thing though, even despite that. Their level of detail is fantastic and they're far more worth the price than LOL dolls.
Any questions, please ask! I know I rushed through this. I'm trying to finish before it really starts storming.